The first task

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heyyy guys here is a longer chapter to make up for missing almost a whole week. I hope you like this chapter. I'm pretty sure this is the longest chapter I have wrote so far. Anyway enjoy.

My hand instantly flew over my mouth and everyone was silent. Hermione nudged Harry in the arm to go up to where everyone else was and Draco did the same to Mattheo. How could this happen? Boos and people saying things like "their not even 17", "their cheats", and what I thought was the worst "well what would you expect from a Riddle" filled the room. I was furious. My blood was boiling. I was mad that everyone was booing. I was mad that everyone was saying those things. I was mad that people just went off and judged Mattheo. And lastly I was mad at them. The thought of "Did they get someone to put their name in the cup?" just kept doing circles in my mind. I felt guilty for even thinking that. You could tell by their expressions that they did not ask for this to happen. But I was just still so mad. Then my powers took over. All the windows in the great hall broke all at once. That shut everyone up. Not many people knew about my powers Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Dumbledoor knew everything about my powers but Mattheo only knew I could read minds. But he and Harry were not in the great hall they were where all the other champions were. Hermione, Ron, and Professor Dumbledoor looked at me. I knew Hermione and Ron could not do anything to me but Dumbledoor could. Everyone looked around trying to figure out what had just happened. I just played along and acted as everyone else. Clueless. Soon after we were all dismissed to go to our rooms. Ron, Hermione, and I all waited anxiously for Harry to return.

"Why do you think he did it?" asked Ron

"I don't think he did Ron" said Hermione

"Yeah by the way he looked when Dumbledoor said his name there is no way he could have done this" I said. I don't know why Ron was acting like this. In the great hall when Harry's name was called he looked like he could kill Harry right then and there. Was he jealous? I know he always felt 2nd compared to Harry but did he actually think Harry did this?

"So you both are on his side" Rom spat at Hermione and I

"What no Ron there is not even a side to be on" Hermione said

"Yes there is he did it somehow"

"Ron you are being ridiculous" I said

"So your on his side wow my own sister on Harry's side" Ron said rolling his eyes

"Oh my gosh Ron no nobody is on any sides you know why because there is not a side to be on you are just being blinded by jealousy!" I said to him with anger in my tone

"Whatever I'm going to my room don't talk to me y/n"

I could not believe him. But I'm going to do what he asks. I'm just going to leave him alone. I know that if I go upstairs to him saying sorry he won't ever learn and it would only make things worse. I learned at a young age to just leave him alone when he asks. One time we were playing a game and he lost and got upset and we got into a fight. He yelled and told me to leave him alone but I just felt that I needed to fix it. I always have. I always need to fix a problem. I went to talk to him and he blew up and yelled at me and everything was worse. I saw Hermione looked worried and was about to go after him when I spoke


"What? Why?"

"Because it will only make things worse it will be fine he will feel bad later on and apologize"

"Yeah I guess you should know"

"Yeah and plus Ron is the least of our worries right now we need to focus on Harry and Mattheo" I said

"Yeah you're right. When do you think Harry will be back"

"Probably soon" And right as I said that Harry walked through the door but he was not alone he was with Mattheo. Hermione shot up and went to hug Harry and I went to hug Mattheo. I saw Harry look at me. I was going to read his mind but I decided it was best not too. We all sat down in the common room Hermione in a chair and I was going to sit on the edge of the couch but the boys were looking at eachother like they were about to race to see who was going to sit next to me first. I did not want them to do anything so I quickly moved to the middle. Harry sat on my left and Mattheo sat on my right.

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