Yule Ball

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Ahh, here it is—the Yule Ball. I have been so excited to write this chapter. So sit back and enjoy.

"Here take this," Hermione said as she gave me a towel

"What happened," I said catching my breath

"We were a part of the challenge"

"But there are 5 champions and 4 of us"

"Yea well I think because Harry and Mattheo both love you so much that you were for both of them whoever got you first got the points, but because Flur did not get her sister Harry got her so Harry and Mattheo are in second and third place," Said Ron

LOVE what does he mean they don't love me. I don't think. Well, do I? I don't know I can't think about this right now I am cold and need to change out of these wet clothes.

"Well that's something and I am cold so give my love I'm out," I said then left. My mind was racing. One moment I am talking to Harry the next I wake up in a bundle of towels. But I also need to get warm and study.

Hermiones POV

Y/n left because she was cold then Mattheo came up to me

"where is y/n"

"she left she said she was cold but she asked me to thank you"

"yea well if she asks I am leaving for the weekend I need to take care of a few things"

"Okay I will let her know have fun with whatever you are doing"

"Thanks" he walked off

Something was weird about that whole interaction, but I am not going to focus on that right now I need to talk to Harry.


"yes Hermione"


"what about her is she hurt"

"no but what is going on between you two"

"I don't know. I know she has feelings for me but other than that I really don't know"

"Okay well Mattheo Is not going to be here this weekend he has to do something so you can go and make a move at the Yule Ball"

"well there is one problem with that" 

"And what is that"

"Y/n Is going to the Ball with Cedric"

"Yes, but he has been goo goo ga ga over Cho all week. There is a reason Cho was his person in the task and not Y/n. So he will most likely be the man whore he is and ditch y/n and you can then swoop in and make your move. and even if he does not do that just simply ask her o save you a dance"

"You are too smart for your own good"

"I'm just good like that now I must get going good luck"




"Y/n you need to get up," Hermione said

"Whyyy it is so early"

"You need to eat"

"Haha very funny"

"No not like that y/n it's the Yule ball"

I shot up "wait that is today?"

"Yes now get up and put on some clothes the boys and I will be downstairs waiting"

"Wait Ron is up and ready before me?"

"Yes now hurry up"

I got up and put on a baggy short sleeve t-shirt, some black leggings, and my uggs (or other shoes these are just what I thought of). I put my hair in two french braids and put on some makeup. I then checked myself in the mirror and put on perfume and went downstairs.

"There she is" yelled, Hermione

"About time," Ron said

"Hey she looks nice" chimed Harry

"Good morning Harry"

"Morning y/n"

"Okay can we go get food now I am so hungry"

"When are you not," I said

"When are you" He spat back

"Shut the hell up Ron before I-"

"Okay let us go before Y/n ends you," said, Hermione

We went to breakfast and we ate Hermione and I got done and sat in the room until it was time to get ready. She did my hair and I did our makeup. Hermione put on her dress and she looked lovely. I put my dress on and I loved it. It was beautiful. The color, the length, and the way it fit were all perfect.

"Are you ready Hermione"


"Let's go"

Hermione walked down the stairs first and she looked amazing. She walked over to Krum. He complimented her. Then I walked down the stairs slowly and confidently. I felt all eyes on me. Although I was going with Cedric part of me wanted to be with Harry and the other with Mattheo. But I was not going to worry about that tonight I was going to have fun. I was making my way to Ced when Harry pulled me over

"Hey y/n you look so beautiful and I know you are not my date but can you save a dance for me"

"Of course Harry you look great yourself"

"Thank you see you later"

"Hey Ced you look good"

"Thank you, you do too. So look you look amazing but.."

"You have Cho with you"

"Well yes"

"You stupid asshole, you ask me to be your date and I turn down two other amazing guys just so you can ditch me one minute before we walk out. You are such a bitch Cedric Diggory" I walked off. I was just so mad. I went and sat at one of the tables. I stayed there until Harry came up to me.

"Hey, I saw you and Ced are you okay?"

"Yea.. well no. It's just annoying you know"

"Yeah but if it makes you feel better you can dance with me"

"I would love to..H-dog"

"I thought you stopped with that name"


We danced all night. I was having so much fun I did not even think of Cedric. Although I did think of where Mattheo went, not for long. The dance slowly came to a close. Harry and I decided to take a walk before heading to our dorm.

"Hey y/n you do know I like you right"

"Yeah it is kinda hard to not know that"

"Well yea but where do I stand with you"

"Harry I like you too a lot but I also like Mattheo. And I do not want to pick unless I am 1,000 percent sure. It would not be fair to either of you if I am not sure"

"Always thinking of others. Well just know" He stopped walking

"I'll wait for you, as long as it takes"

He then leaned in and we kissed. It was magical. Sparks flew and it was like the world stopped. Although it was the first time we had ever kissed it felt normal and safe. The kiss escalated and he put his hands around my waist and my hands in his hair. We both slowly pulled away and smiled. We did not talk about the kiss we just held each other's hand and walked to the dorms. We said our goodbyes and I got ready for bed. I laid down with a smile on my face and stayed that way for the rest of the night.

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