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Heyy sorry that this chapter is really shrt this week will most likey not be that long beacuse I'm on vacation. But I will try to update everyday. I hope you like this chapter.

"Hey" I said going to where Mattheo was sitting

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Asked Draco

"Can I not just sit over here?" I said

"You can but we can tell something is up" said Pansy

"Okay fine Ron and Harry are being jerks that's all you need to know"

"Is it because of me" said Mattheo

"No" I quickly said

"Yes she just won't ever say it" Blase said

"Yeah y/n you are just too nice" said Draco

"Yeah well I would rather be nice than mean" I said

"I would rather be mean" Sais Mattheo

"That's why we work" I said

"What does she mean" said Pansy

"Are you guys dating" asked Blase

"No well" I said

"We are not officual" Said Mattheo

"Well date I ship you two so much" Said Pansy

I was still standing up talking then Mattheo said

"Okay sense no one is moving for you her sit next to me" he said moving over

"Thanks" I said sitting next to Mattheo. Pansy, Blase, and Draco just looked at us and smiled. We were all talking to each other and laughing when

"Look who's not eating again" Said someone I was not quite such who. No one has ever said anything like that to me at this school. No one hated me well that I knew of. I turned to look at who it was. Cho Chang.

"You do know she does not eat for the attention" Cho said as her friends laughed around her

"Cho shut it" said Draco

"What you all know I'm right. Tell me what did you ate today...Nothing"

I had tears in my eyes. Why would she do this? Why would anyone do this?

"Aww is the little baby who can't eat going to cry"

"That is enough" Said Mattheo

"You don't know what's it's like she did not do this for the attention you are the only one making a big deal out of it and besides y/n is amazing and your just jealous that she has friends who care about her because she is way better than you will ever be" He said

"Sure keep telling yourself that I'm out of here" Cho said rolling her eyes then she walked off

A tear rolled down my face. Mattheo wiped it away and grabbed my hand. Dinner ended and we needed to go to bed. Mattheo kissed my cheek and told me goodbye. After that I went to the common room. Which I was not ready for.

"Are you two dating" said Harry as soon as I walked in


"You and Riddle" Harry said not looking at me

"No, why?"

"We saw him holding your hand in the great hall" Ron said

"He was just comforting me if you two would have cared you would have known Cho was making fun of me for my ED and he stuck up for me"

"Y/n we are-" Harry began

"Save it I don't want to here it I'm going to bed"

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