the date

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Heyyy guys I have a new chapter for you guys it is short but I swear soon it will be back to normal. Anyway I hope you like this chapter.

"y/n!" Harry said


"Your awake"

"Looks like it"

"How are you? Do you need something?"

"I'm fine Harry. Really. But how is everyone else?"

"Of course. Only you y/n"

"What do you mean?"

"Well you just woke up from a 3-month coma and the first thing you ask is how is everyone else"

"Well I want to know so tell me"

"Well Ron is asleep he stays here at night most of the time. Hermione stopped coming here after 2 months. Draco comes a few times a week. Those were the only people that would constantly come everyone visited you at least once"

"Is Hermione okay"

"I can't answer that"

"Okay well how long was I out"

"3 months"

"Did I look hot"

"I- er-"

"Chill I'm kidding H-dog"

"Yeah I know"

"Did you"


"I'm going to go get everyone"

"Okay I'll be here"

"Okay bye"

As Harry walked off I could have sworn I saw someone so I focused really hard and read their mind. They said "she looks so pretty should I talk to her"

"Yes you should" I said

"How did you know what I was-"

"Astronomy boy"

"Yep that's me...but how did you know what I was thinking"

"I can read minds duh that's how I knew you wanted to kiss me the first time we met" then I was hit with realization and then I quickly covered my mouth

He just laughed then said "what happened to you"

"It's a long story let's just say I tried to talk to Harry, Ron, and Hermione and then I ended up in a 3 month comma"

"Wow maybe I should not leave you"

"Slow your roll astronomy boy"

"Okay well I should get going" he said as he started to walk off

"Wait come here"

"What" he said coming closer

"This" then I kissed him. I don't really know why. But I did and it was great. I could tell he was red as I kissed him

"Okay" he said as he slowly pulled away "I have to go meet me where we first saw each other tonight" as he backed away

"Okay bye" I said with a smile. And then he was gone. But then Harry appeared with Hermione, Ron, Ginny, The twins, and Draco. When they saw me they looked at me as if I was a ghost

"y/n" they all yelled at the same time. Then they all came and hugged me

"We missed you y/n" said Ginny

Everyone was talking but Hermione she only looked at me and never talked. After a few hours everyone left Ron stayed for a while but then I told him he could leave and he needed sleep he had bags under his eyes and he looked like he needed to sleep. I was not supposed to leave the hospital wing but I needed to go see astronomy boy. So I snuck out and got ready. As I got there he was sitting there with a telescope

"You came"

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