Her powers

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Hey guys so this is a kinda long chapter and we find out a good bit. There will be a early sign of a ed later in this chapter when they are at breakfast so skip through that if that triggers you. I but a warning right before. Okay I hope you enjoy reading.

"I'm sorry what do you mean my powers"

"Well you see you are the one who has powers" said Dumbledore

"Yeah I know but what do they mean? Why did you have to pull me over to talk to me about these so-called powers?"

"Well you see when you turn 13 you will be able to use these powers. What they are we don't know. But we hope to soon find out. That is all we have to tell you. Choose who you tell about this wisely y/n."

"Okay that was a lot but thank you professor see you around"


End of flashback

"y/n, y/n, y/n Weasley" screamed Harry

"What. WHAT?? I'm here" I said

"Thought we lost you for a sec" said Ron

"You looked ugly" he quickly added

"No she didn't" said harry

Everyone in the compartment turned to look at him only I was blushing ever so slightly

"Er- I mean she looked fine"

"At least she did not look like that cheerleader from that show you know Chrissy was her name (*wink wink*)?" He said

"Yeah true" said Ron

"You do know that's not real" Hermione added

"Yeah guys it was just a show" I said

"Yeah yeah whatever" Said Ron

"We should be at Hogwarts soon Harry" said Hermione

But harry was not paying attention he was staring at me what was he thinking


She looked so pretty this year. She looked different from all the other years. She had gotten a little taller, her hair was longer and her eyes oh her lovely E/C (eye color) eyes. She just looked absolutely beautiful. And I was not the only one who noticed her change. She may have not seen but I'm telling you every guy did. Especially Draco. If he did anything to hurt her I'm going to hurt him.


"HARRY" y/n and Hermione both yelled together

"What" he said

"It was you who was in lala land this time" I said with a laugh

"Yeah I guess I was"

"Anyway I was saying that you need to get your robes on we are almost a Hogwarts"

"Oh right sorry i'll do that brb"

"That was weird what was he looking at?" said Ron

"I think he was looking at your sister" Said Hermione with a smirk

"HE WHAT!!!"

"He was looking but he probably thinking about something else" I quickly said

"Okay he gets out of it this time but if he looks at you again I'm going to-"

"What are you doing" said Harry

"Oh nothing" said Ron

"He's just being dramatic as always" I said

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