The end of 3rd year

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Heyy guys I'm back with  new chapter. Let me know what y'all think. This is the finnal chapter of 3rd year. Omg BUT soon astonamy boy (AKA Mattheo) will be here. This is about to get really good.

"That could be us you know" he said

What did he mean? Was he kidding or was he being serious? Was not ready for us to be anything more than just friends. Best friends. We are too young. We would break up and it would ruin everything. I realized I was just looking at him so I spoke.

"Harry I-" I was cut off by Hermione coming downstairs saying good morning. I was glad she came down. I did not know what I was going to say to him in the first place. But I had a feeling we would be talking about this again. I did not want to. But there were other things that needed my focus today and Harry was not my main priority right now.

"Where is Ron" Hermione asked

"Yeah where's my dear brother" I said

"Oh he was just getting out of bed when I left" Harry said

"Okay so we will see him in about an hour" I said with a laugh

"Well we need to leave soon" Hermione said

"Okay maybe 45 minutes if he is having a "good" hair day" I said

"That will give us 15 minutes to go meet the others" Hermione said

"Okay Hermione with the math I see you" I said

"Harry you should cheak on Ron" Hermione said she could probably see that something was up.

"Yeah good idea I'll be right back" Harry said once we knew he could not hear us Hermione sat down where Harry once was and said

"Spill" she said in a simi wisper 

I told her what had just happened she went from shocked to a small smirk on her face


"I was right"

"What do you mean"

"That he likes you and you like him"

"I mean I kinda do but we are too young right now we would probably break up and it would ruin everything"

"I hear you but-"

"Nope I don't want to hear it I just want to have fun today and not talk about Harry or my relationship with him okay?"

"Yeah but don't think we won't talk about this another time"

"You won't talk about what again?" Ron said

I had to think of something quick and beliveable                                                                                          

"Just how Hermione keeps dragging me to study for OWLS"

"Those are ages away"

"You can never be too prepared"

"Whatever can we go now" Harry said running into the common room almost tripping. But I saved his life

"Harry watch out" I said as he was about to fall over a book that had to have been left out from the night before

"Thanks y/n"

"Okay can we go now" Ron said

"We were waiting for you get all pretty in the first place" I said Ron just rolled his eyes


It was really fun. I drug Hermione around everywhere and the whole time I could feel Harry watching me. Ugh what does a girl have to do to get some peace around here? Anyway it was time for dinner and Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I all went down at the same time. And just as I thought it was pretty awkward. I could tell they felt weird eating in front of me. It took Ron and the rest of my family to get used to it at first but they did. That's why Ron had no trouble eating in front of me anymore. I guess he just got used to me eating a little or nothing at all during meals. After I saw that Hermione and Harry were barely eating I decided to leave so they could eat without it feeling awkward.

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