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"Holy fuck, this place is something else." Charles said as the group wondered to the club, strobing lights almost blinded them, the music was decent and the bar was stocked with alcohol.

"Who's buying the first round?" Daniel asked, eyeing around the group to see if anyone would offer.

Yet no one did. "I will then, first round is on me." Daniel continued, putting his card on the bar whilst everyone ordered the drinks they wanted.

Océane and Lando ordered the same drink, that being a Vodka and lemonade, with 3 more extra shots of vodka.

"If we plan it out perfectly, we could get all the drinks tonight free." Océane said taking sips of her drink, realising how disgusting it was.

"Down it?" Lando said, knowing it was a bad idea. Océane nodded her head quickly. They touched the bottom of their glasses together before downing the most disgusting drink they'd ever drank. "Never again." Océane said, squeezing her face together and slamming the glass onto the bar.

"Meet me back here in 5," Océane said, "I'm going to get us some more free drinks."

Océane wondered around the club, it was relatively packed and that made it hard to find who she was looking for. However, eventually she found a group of drivers sitting around a table. "Can i borrow someone's card." She asked, pleading her eyes in Pierre's direction.

"I need another drink anyway." Pierre lied, downing the rest of his drink as an excuse to go with Océane to the bar.

"Can you get me and Lando a drink, we can play some sort of game." Océane said, fumbling behind Pierre trying not to trip over dancing feet as they found their way to the bar.

"I'll buy us 12 shots, 4 each, we will think of a game. Go sit down love." Pierre went to the cash register, parting ways with Océane who went back to Lando. She explained to the British man that they'd be playing some sort of game in exchange for free alcohol, and that Pierre was paying.

"Why don't we play never have i ever?" Lando suggested as Pierre wondered over with a tray of shots.

"Take a shot when you have done something, first person out has to take a singular shot from each other person." Océane explained, nodding her head Landos way for him to start with a question.

"Never have I ever fallen in love on first sight." Lando said, Océane shot a quick look at Pierre, then took a shot. Pierre slowly followed Océane with taking a shot, both now only having three shots remaining.

"Never have I ever drunk phoned someone." Océane said, watching as both the men took a drink.

"Don't pretend like you haven't Océane, take a shot." Lando said edging a shot closer to her.

"Never have i ever made out with a member of the same sex." Pierre said.

Océane confidently took a shot, "I was drunk, but I would do it again." She said, "But can we slow down on the questions i'm running out of shots." she continued.

The group continued to play, Océane managed to luck out on the next few questions, Lando had two shots left and Pierre and Océane had one. The last question made Océane drink, which would mean that she was out. But not only that, she'd have to drink a shot from the other two. Pierre was out a shot now that Océane had drank it, however he decided to take Landos final one. As curtsy of Pierre paying for the other ones.

"You guys feeling a bit buzzed?" Lando asked. Pierre chuckled before replying with a simple yes.

"Is tonight a complete, let's get so drunk we can't walk, kind of night?" Océane asked, Lando seemed to zone out and completely ignore what she had said.

"We don't have to drink for that to happen, I could do that for free." Pierre whispered into her ear.

"You're bold." Océane said pulling Pierre away from the close proximity in which he was in.

"Can't admit you enjoyed last night?" Pierre said.

"We didn't do anything." Océane said harshly.

"Hot make out session? I think we definitely did." The Frenchman ordered a few more drinks for the group, still as strong. But hopefully their last drink for the night.

"Charles!!" Pierre shouted, watching as the Monégasque wondered to the bar.

"My dear friend where have you been?" Charles asked, politely waving at Lando and Océane next to him.

"Shooting my shot." Pierre whispered into Charles' ear, signalling to Océane who was beside him.

"She's out of your league mate, enjoy." Charles chuckled, taking the drinks he had ordered back to the table he was situated at.

"Who's out of your league? Got your eyes on any of these women tonight Pierre?" Lando asked, scanning the dance floor for any eligible women for Pierre.

"The one in the blue looks perfect for you." Lando said moving seats to sit next to Pierre.

Océane all of a sudden felt uncomfortable, the thought of Lando setting Pierre up with some random Italian or tourist was something she didn't want to be around for. The only reasonable solution she had was to go dance and hope that some man would dance with her, making Pierre jealous.

She swiftly got up, not saying anything to the two men who sat beside her.

Océane was drunk, which wasn't the best situation for anyone. But she wasn't the only one, Lando and Pierre seemed to be creating havoc amongst the other drivers and themselves.

Océane glanced her eyes across the floor, a burst of courage she had gained from the alcohol made it so that she could approach anyone. As the base filled music blasted from the speakers, she started to dance, swaying her hips from side to side.

"May I?" She heard someone shout over the music. Seeing Max ask if it was okay if he could dance with her, and obviously she said yes.

His hands swung around her hips just as they did at the beach the day before. Her body was in close proximity to his, dropping her hips lower and springing her body back up again. Her hands wondered along Max's body, watching him work his hands as she was hers. But all she could think about was this wasn't the person she wanted to be dancing with, and the only excuse she could think of was the alcohol.

"I'll be back." Océane said, dropping her hands from exploring Max. Heading over to Pierre to see that he was already looking at her. She couldn't walk straight, stumbling over her own feet. Pierre had a straight and emotionless smile on his face, feeling like last night meant absolutely nothing to her.

"Pierre. I want you." Océane said. Throwing her body extremely close to his. Standing in between his legs.

"How badly?" Pierre asked, slightly slurring his words.

Océane blinked slowly trying to process what Pierre was saying. "Pierre, just tell me you need me tonight." Océane gazed deeply into his eyes, and finally he gave in. His hands snapped to her hips, sliding off the barstool he was sitting on. Stabilising his feet as he made it to the floor.

"Océane, I need you now."

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