Chapter 51 - The Important Revelations

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For the next month or so, I fall into a certain routine. Jax picks me up for school, and we eat breakfast at the diner with the guys. I go to my classes and finish up my college applications before starting on my scholarship applications. I see Evren once a week and an external therapist every other week. On Fridays and weekends, I help Lillian and Anders at Roses in Ink. Then, of course, there are the Friday dinners. The best part of the week.

Dean, Faye, and Cyril are still around. I don't really know much about their punishment, but I guess the consequences are pretty bad since they never approach me. As far as Evren has told me, they're being watched closely, and if it looks like they're even thinking of trying something, they'll be punished. The basketball team takes Dean's lead and leaves me alone, too. Not that it stops any of them from giving me dirty looks every once in a while or Faye from flirting with Jax when I'm not around or Cyril from giving me weird, longing looks, but I'll take all that over them saying something to my face any day.

I definitely feel a little safer nowadays, especially when I'm around the guys. The therapy sessions are helping me feel more emotionally stable, too. I'm even starting to coax myself into wearing skirts and dresses again instead of just Jax's jackets and jeans. Not that I'm less self-conscious about it, but it's nice to wear skirts and dresses again. Definitely something I missed and something I can get used to again.

"How are you feeling today?" Jax asks as he drives us to Roses in Ink after school Friday.

I shrug, looking out the window. "I'm okay right now."

When I turn to him, he's already glancing at me. "Good. You deserve to be okay and a lot more." He turns down the street to Roses in Ink. "That's why..." He drives right by the store.

"Jax—" I say, craning my neck to look behind us.

"It's okay," he says, taking my hand. "We're not going to work or the dinner today because I want to do something that'll make you even more okay. I already talked to both our parents, and they're completely fine with it."

I arch an eyebrow. "Another date?"

He smirks. "If that's what you want to call it."

"You didn't ask me, though."

He parks in front of his house and cuts off the engine. "Because it's a surprise. Duh. Catch up."

I sputter as I follow him out of the car to the garage. I try to protest even as he opens the garage and rolls out his dad's motorcycle. He tries to hand me a small black backpack and a helmet. I step back and cross my arms over my chest, glaring at him.

"You know I can still say no, right?" I ask.

He pauses like he didn't think I would say no to this. "Can you... not say no to this? Please?"

I smirk. "If you get on your knees and beg."

I don't actually expect him to do it, but he does. He sets the backpack and helmet aside as he sinks to his knees and looks up at me with a smile. He takes my hands in his. "Adeline Stargate, will you please go on this date with me? I've been planning this for a month, and I really want to spend time with you tonight. I promise I'll make it worthwhile."

Well, now I definitely can't say no. I place my hand under his chin and tilt his head up enough to kiss him. When I pull away, I smile. "Yes, Jax Inkrose, I'll go on this date with you now."

He smiles, kissing and lifting me off my feet as he stands. He brushes one last kiss against my lips as he sets me down. "Thank you."

Jax quickly double-checks that we have everything before handing me a helmet and the backpack. He shuts the garage door, and we get on the motorcycle. When we both have our helmets on and I wrap my arms around Jax's waist, he drives off into the remaining sunlight.

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