Thank You

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And that's it (I think)! Jax and Adeline will always live rent-free in my mind, but as of right now, I think I've ended their story in a pretty solid place. If they ever come back to visit me in my imagination, I'll be sure to write it down and see if it turns into another story.

Thank you for reading both Night of Secrets and Days of Revelations. I hope you got whatever you needed from Jax and Adeline whether that was a good story or a lesson about life. It means a lot that you gave my writing a chance and liked it enough to continue the journey in the sequel. Hope reading this was worth your while :)

Last plug: if you haven't listened to my friend's song about Days of Revelations, you should check it out! It's from Jax's perspective! Listen to it here (link in the in-line comments) at 

Days of Revelations (Night of Secrets #2)Where stories live. Discover now