HellFire (the beginning)

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**Skipping to Monday at school**
(Just a Fyi y/n don't wear skirts! it's not her style, she's more of a jeans and T-shirt kinda gal)

You walk into school, Mike took his bike because he was at Dustins the night before, so you didn't have to stress about taking him too school. You were standing by your locker and fixing your hair in the tiny magnetic mirror clipped to the door. Suddenly you feel like someone behind you and you turn around.

"Hey pretty girl!" Eddie says loud enough for mike to hear who was right behind him. "Ew gross man that's my sister." Mike walks away and heads towards his locker. "You know Ed's...i've been thinking about doing something...all this morning" you say with a smile. "Oh is that right y/n?" Eddie replies. "Yea" you pause. You pull his face towards yours and kiss him he responds by kissing you harder pushing you so that your back hits the lockers and he slips you tongue. You close your eyes. The kiss breaks when he smiles and then he kisses you this time it's more intense giving you insane butterflies, it's like he knew what you were feeling because all the sudden he grabs your hips, you can feel his rings through your shirt as he grips you harder. You lean into him holding onto his jean jacket tight. His hands trail down to your ass and he grips you harder. When all the sudden. "OKAY you two let's get to class"! the principal interrupts. "thanks a lot Mr Cock block" you respond causing Eddie to laugh. The Principal turns around "what was that young lady" he says sternly. You were not phased. "Nothing"... you say loud so he heard you then you whisper to Eddie "...Mr Cock block" you both laugh and Eddie wraps his arm around your shoulders and yours wrap around his waist and he walks you to class. You reach first period and you give him a light and gentle kiss goodbye. He waves bye and smiles blowing you a kiss as he walks away. You walk to your desk and notice everyone staring at you and whispering, that pisses you off so you kick your feet up on the desk and cross them and that it's followed but you saying out loud.

"The fuck do y'all want?" The class grows silent as the first period bell rings and class begins. Throughout the class ppl still looked you up and down and whispered but you were so use to it you just decided too ignore it.

**Skip to lunch**

You walk into the lunch room and eye the room looking for Eddie. You look to the far right and see him talking to dustin. You walk over to him and Eddie takes notice.

"HENDERSON...Henderson i don't care that Lucas has some stupid balls in hoops game just find a replacement." He sighs as dustin walks off and joins mike in sitting at the lunch table. Eddie smiles at you. But takes notice in the very confused look on your face. "Hey gorgeous, what's the look on your face for?". "Uh...what exactly do you need a replacement for?" you ask genuinely interested. You both sit down at the table. "Oh it's nothing crazy just Lucas can't make it too Hellfire Club tonight and we are just, you know... basically at the end of the game and needed him to join us and wrap it up." He says kinda sounding annoyed at the whole situation. "Well...why don't i take his place?". "ABSOLUTELY not!" Mike yells. "Well i mean we need a final member and everyone's declined our offer" Dustin states. "Eddie come on man y/n doesn't know the first thing about DnD" Mike says trying to argue against you. "First of all Mike i'm not stupid DnD is a classic i know what i'm doing" you rebuttal. "Alrighty looks like the gorgeous gal is joining us!" Eddie claps once rubbing his hands together and puts his arm around your neck pulling you in. Mike rolls his eyes and crosses his arms and Dustin and the rest of the members sigh in relief. "THE JOURNEY COMES TO AN END TONIGHT" Eddie shouts in a eery tone for dramatic affect.

A/N  Another short/ish chapter I PROMISE the next chapter is spicy! i have a friend helping me with this book i want to make sure the story line is good! <3 i'll update SOON! like probably later tonight xx

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