The Party

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You and Eddie walk in holding hands. Steve really did invite everyone. "HEY y/n YOU CAME" Steve walks over to you with a drink in his hand. He glances over to Eddie. "...and Eddie!" He says sarcastically. "Yea...Hey do you know where the drinks are?" You ask Steve. "Yea in the kitchen over there" Steve points to the right, you take Eddies hand. "Let's get a drink" You pull Eddie over to the kitchen. "Y/n i'll have a drink but i have to drive home tonight" he says as he smiles at you pouring his drink into a red cup. "Alright Eddie" you smile handing him his drink. "Let's Dance" you laugh. "Oh no no no no no NO i don't dance i can't y/n" Eddie says nervously. "I'll teach you" you whisper in his ear. You down your drink and then pull Eddie to the middle where people are dancing and you pull him in close to you and then you wrap his arms around you,  you turn around so your back is in his chest and sway your hips side to side. Eddie grabs your hips. And then turns you around once again and your lips crash together.

You pull away from him. "Eddie i have to use the bathroom" you smirk. "Oh okay i'll wait for you" Eddie responds. "Eddie..." you look into his eyes. "oh OH oh okay" Eddie laughs and follows you as you go looking for a bathroom. He sees steve talking to Robin. "Hey Steve wheres the bathroom" He asks. "Wouldn't you like to know" he scoffs. "STEVE?!?" robin yalls hitting his shoulder. "The bathroom is just down that hall over there it's the 3rd door on the left!" She smiles and points. "Alright, thank you" Eddie replies.

As you walk into the bathroom you lock the door and then jump onto the counter. Eddie stands in between your legs and you two start making out. "Eddie can we wait till tonight" you say in between breaths. "I have something planned for tonight pretty girl but for right now" Eddie smirks and unbuttons your jeans pulls the zipper down and you feel his right hand slide into your underwear. His left hand behind you holding you. "Ed-Eddie" you say as you squirm on the counter barely able to hold yourself together. "You've been teasing me all day..." Eddie says as you put your head on his shoulder moaning in his ear. He puts his hand down further rubbing against your clit. "Fuck Eddie please" you beg in his ear.

He picks up his pace and you feel yourself reaching your end you lean into Eddie and all you can let out is soft moans as you release onto him. Eddie smirks as you clean yourself off real quick and fix your jeans. Eddie cleans himself off and then picks you up as wrap your legs around him and walk out the bathroom still kissing. "So you said you have something PLANNED tonight?" you ask Eddie. "Don't worry about it sweetheart" He laughs and you jump out his arms and hold his hand. You both head outside by the pool sitting on the lawn chairs. You and Eddie just make small talk as you are Steve approach you out the corner of your eye. "So y/n having fun?" Steve asks walking up with a drink in his hand looking very obviously drunk. Robin walks up behind him and says quietly but loud enough to where i hear. "Steve don't be stupid!" Steve brushes her off. "You know y/n i REALLY like you" Steve laughs as Eddie jumps up. "Harrington walk away!" He warns. "Eddie please let's just go home." you don't acknowledge Steve and grab eddies wrist. He backs off but Steve kept pushing him. "i mean y/n really this freak? you look. i mean. he looks. it just doesn't make sense to me" Before Eddie can ever react you step in-front of him and slap Steve. "LISTEN HARRINGTON i don't KNOW what you're thinking right now but CLEARLY it isn't straight i suggest you walk away and when you sober up maybe then we can talk things out UNTIL THEN stay the fuck away from ME AND my BOYFRIEND" you look at Robin with a apologetic look as if said to her  "i know he is your friend sorry for the slap but he deserved it" but she understood without you even saying it and nodded and pulled Steve away. You pulled Eddie to his van and you both got in. Eddie starts laughing. "Munson what's so funny ?" You look at him confused. "You are just so HOT when you're mad do you know that?" he laughs. You hit his shoulder and roll your eyes.

A/N next chapter is gonna be fun XD

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