Lost then Found

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"Fine... just tell Hopper to announce i've been found and that i'm safe...but i don't want to see my parents...i can't...tell Hopper to tell them i'm okay just need some time"

"I'll get right on that" Dustin exclaims as he dials Hopper with the Phone in Eddies trailer.

"So...how are you two doing?" Robins asks trying to fill the silence.

"Clearly they are doing just fine" Steve scoffs.

You roll your eyes. "i'm the happiest i've been and it's been a while".

"Alright Hoppers going to tell the news..." Dustin says grabbing the remote. "...aaaannd channel 9" Dustin clicks the number 9 on the remote and as soon as he does you see your face on the TV. "Shit..." Eddie says.

"...That was fast" Robin finishes what he was thinking.

"Tonight we have been told that the young woman, Y/n Wheeler was lost...but now she is found we were given no further information about her whereabouts other than she is safe and surrounded by who she loves." The news anchor goes on about how much the town was worried which wasn't true, honestly your "disappearance" was entertaining to them.

(one month later)

You still didn't want to face your parents. You were so happy with Eddie. You didn't want anything to change. You wake up in only one of Eddies oversized shirts and underwear. Eddie was in the kitchen making cereal for himself, you walk into the living room and sit on the couch.

After about 10 minutes you give up, "Eddie i suck at this!" you whine and throw your head back in frustration

"awwww let me see sweetheart" Eddie laughs as you struggle to roll your blunt.

"Alright sit on the floor and i'll help you love!" You sit on the floor and put the rolling tray on the coffee table by the couch. Eddie sits in the couch so that you're in between his legs and he's behind you.

Eddie runs his hands down your arms giving you goosebumps. "Eddie..." you warn.

"Okay okay so look..." Eddie takes your hands and helps you roll the blunt. "Annnnd waaa-laaa"

"alright now scoot over sir"

You stand up and then Eddie grabs your hips and pulls you in causing you to fall on him.

"EDDIE" you playfully hit his shoulder.

Eddie looks down at your lips, it gives you butterflies every time.

You pull Eddie in and kiss him passionately.

Eddies hands go up your thigh and then his fingers sway lightly teasing you. You grab his hand, "Not right now Ed's" you smile.

"Eddie i need to tell you something..." you put down the blunt "...and don't freak out or get excited or anything" you look down. Eddie grabs your chin. "Hey talk to me" Eddie smiles with concern. "It's probably nothing since we are always safe..." you start to tear up from fear and notice Eddies eyes widen not out of excitement but what you're going to say next. "I'm a week late." you blurt out. Eddie freezes. "Listen it's probably nothing because i'm not like having any symptoms of anything...but it made me wonder ...what if something did happen Eddie" you cry.

"y/n listen to me i love you, no matter what i'll always be here for you, if this turns out to be something i'm not going to leave your side ever, you make me a better person" Eddie gives a sweet smile.

"Eddie i love you." you dry your tears and hug him. "i really want to make sure this is...nothing".

"Then we will do that!" Eddie grabs his keys as you get dressed.

(At the clinic)

**Steve POV**

You left the video store to grab you and Robin lunch. As you park your car you notice Eddies van with y/n in the passenger park at the clinic on the other side of the street. You try not to make it obvious you are watching them as you adjust your rear view mirror. You watch as Y/n and Eddie get out the van and hold each others hands as they walk inside.

"Holy shit" you said out loud. "I got to tell everyone...no wait fuck it's not my business...but what if y/n needs people to be there for her...fuck it" You drive off forgetting lunch as you swerve into the video stores parking lot and run inside. "ROBIN!" you yell as she turns around panicked. "STEVE what the HELL man!" she yells back.

"Y/n and Eddie were walking into THE clinic and..." Robin stops you.

"Steve why are you stalking them dude seriously move on" Robin says annoyed.

"i wasn't i just seen her and i just...she looked upset...so i just watched to make sure she was okay" you rebuttal.

Robin sighs. "I'll talk to Mike"

**Y/N POV**

You and Eddie walk into a room. After a few minutes of waiting a doctor walks in and asks Eddie to leave. Eddie hesitates but you nod you head letting him no it's okay.

"Alright so we are going to do the blood tests to get the best results." The doctor gives a smile.

The doctor takes your blood and walks out letting Eddie know it's okay to go back in.

"You okay?" Eddie asks.

You take a deep breath."Uhm...i think so..yea..."

Eddie grabs your hand and squeezes giving a worried smile.

After about an hour the doctor walks in. Your heart beats fast and you can tell Eddie is nervous.

"Well we got the test results in...Ms Wheeler did you want to be alone for this?" the doctor asks, that question makes you increasingly nervous. "No." you respond quickly. Eddie squeezes your hand.

"Well Ms Wheeler the tests have came back and the results are indeed..."


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