Another Body

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Remy paced just outside the double doors leading into the morgue at the back of the police station, his mind an absolute mess. He knew that he should be focused on what was going on right now - finding out more about who had killed another fisherman - but instead, all he could think about was Nadia.

Worrying about her. Wondering if she was okay. Wanting to be with her right now instead of pacing outside the morgue that the town rarely used.

His heart had nearly stopped when he saw her begin to collapse on the dock. He almost wasn't fast enough; almost didn't reach her in time to catch her before she banged her head on the ground. The crowd around her had done nothing, all standing there watching with glares and accusing eyes. He had heard more than one hissed "Good riddance" as he cradled Nadia's unconscious body, shaking her and trying to get her to wake up.

For a moment, his wolf had taken over, baring his teeth and growling in warning. The group had backed up, perturbed by his reaction. If Remy had been in his right mind, he probably would have reined it in. But he had no control, his wolf urging him to take her back to his place and call in Doc to look her over. To care for his mate and nurse her back to health.

And then destroy everyone who stood against her.

Thank the gods that Tate and Chloe had been there. Both rushed up and helped him carry her to her car. Chloe insisted that she would get her home and look after her while Remy and Tate took care of the crowd and the second dead body.

He had whined - actually whined - when Chloe said that, wanting to go with her. But finally, commonsense had taken over and Remy stood back, watching as Chloe had driven away.

Thankfully only Tate had seen that, but Remy was pretty sure he would pull it out against him at some point. It wasn't the place or time as they had to calm the growing crowd, get Roger's body to the morgue, and then somehow appease the Council until Doc had more answers as to what had caused Roger's death.

Remy hoped it was a storm-related accident, but the clearly visible wounds said it was anything but.

Now he was here, waiting for Doc to come out and give him something. An actual autopsy would take longer, but he could at least tell them if he thought the same being had killed Roger Klein and George Lightbody.

It made no sense. Roger was a bear shifter and fairly strong. Remy knew from sparring matches that he was difficult to overcome even though he was older. According to Tate, he hadn't been assigned a patrol last night. For all intents and purposes, Roger should have been hunkered down at home to ride out the storm like everyone else. And as a seasoned fisherman, there was no reason he should have been out on the water. He knew better.

The town had no enemies that Remy could think of. Why would someone attack now?

Unless... it had something to do with Nadia.

His wolf growled in his head, warning him not to go down that route. But honestly, Remy was finding it hard not to see the connection. Everything was fine. Quiet. Boring. Then she arrives and people start showing up dead in the marina. He still didn't think it was Nadia killing them, but it was growing clearer that there had to be some sort of correlation.

Or maybe it had nothing to do with her arrival and this was related to him. There was also a chance that when Remy got revenge for his father's death, he had unknowingly created another enemy. One that had sat in wait for 10 years.

"Hey," Chloe said as she breezed into the lobby.

Remy stopped pacing and stomped over to her, his worry taking over yet again.

"Relax, she's fine. Weirded out as hell, but physically she's okay," Chloe said. "She came to on the drive to her place and I had Tara pick me up and bring me back to town. I told her I'd check on her later."

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