Reaching Her

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Remy sat back at his desk and ran his fingers down his face, his eyes tired from staring at tiny text for who knew how long. He still hadn't heard anything from Cian about his expected arrival so thought it best to see what he could find on fated mates in the meantime.

There was a surprising amount of books mentioning them in the town Archives, considering how rare they were and how long it had been since the last time anyone had reported one. But most of the books seemed to repeat the same things over and over, meaning Remy was hitting a wall.

"How's your homework?" Tate asked as he strode in, a smug grin on his face.

He sat down in the chair on the other side of Remy's desk and propped his legs up on the edge of the desk.

"Aren't you supposed to be out at Roger's?" Remy asked.

"Aren't you supposed to be looking up Havsfru instead of fated mates?" Tate shot back, glancing down at the opened book in front of Remy.

Remy glared at him as he slammed the book shut and pushed it aside. It was true. He didn't have the time to waste on figuring out what was going on with Nadia. He had only intended to spend an hour looking into it, but a glance at the time on his laptop told him he had spent more like three.

It didn't help that he hadn't gotten a lot of rest last night. Between the alerts he got hourly from the patrols and the near constant dreams about Nadia, what little sleep he had gotten was anything but restful. And then there was his wolf pushing him to go out and check on Nadia's place.

He ended up having such a vivid dream about it that for a minute, Remy had thought he actually went out there. But then it had ended with his phone going off and him waking up in his apartment slightly hot and bothered, and a hell of a lot confused.

Needless to say, there was a lot of "self-care" going on in Remy's personal time at the moment.

"Got her place cleaned up," Tate continued, leaning back in his chair. "I sent some of my cubs with your pups. They finished up in no time, though there wasn't a lot."

"Thanks," Remy said.

While his wolf had been pushing to go clean up Nadia's place himself - that it was his job to take care of his mate - Remy knew he needed to stay in town. He did need to be working on better protecting the borders. And well, Remy figured it was best to keep a safe distance from Nadia for the time being.

"Find anything helpful?" Tate then asked, motioning towards the book.

"Maybe? Mostly information about what it's like, but nothing about whether they can be faked," Remy said, sitting up in his chair. "Learned that it's incredibly painful to reject your fated mate."

"Yea, figured. You don't want to mess with Phoebe, Phoebus, or Atla, if the stories are true," Tate replied. Remy raised an eyebrow at him. "Figured they all had a say in it, considering Nadia's heritage."

Remy nodded, his eyes drifting down to the book. The stories of the gods had been passed on to just about every shifter and being in their world since the dawn of time. How they had all dwelled together in some sort of paradise, then created all the supernatural beings in the world down here, each god volunteering to take on one group or another to teach them and lead them. Remy was fairly sure it was because they had gotten bored and wanted to create play things.

While in the past, supernaturals had worshiped them with a fervor that rivaled that of current-day Christians, no one was particularly ardent nowadays.

The twins were the deities of all shifters on land, while Atla was that for sea-dwellers. There were a lot of stories featuring the three working together. Or bugging the ever-loving life out of each other.

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