Picking Up the Pieces

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Nadia walked over and immediately plopped down on her sofa, groaning as she leaned her head back to stare at the ceiling.

What the hell happened today?

Going over everything in her mind for the 50th time, Nadia wondered just how this became her life. Yesterday she was just another person - albeit one with serious shit to figure out. Then today happened and the world was no longer something she recognized. And she had even more serious shit to figure out.

In the solitude of her grandmother's cabin, the full gravity of everything began to settle in like a lump of lead on her chest. Nadia pulled in a shuddery breath, blinking rapidly to stem the tears pricking at her eyes.

Who was she? She always thought she had a strong sense of self. It came in handy with her upbringing. No matter how many times they moved, how many cities she had been in, or how many names she had been forced to remember as a child, at the end of the day she was always Nadia Johansen.

Small, but scrappy. Bending but never breaking.

But now...

Nadia was some sort of part Havsfru, part wolf, part human... thing. Creature. Her grandmother turned into a mermaid. Her mother shifted into a wolf. And now all the old questions about her father that she had long ago given up on were resurfacing. Was he another creature or a normal human? Was she possibly something else on top of everything?

"Fuck," she whispered, wiping away stray tears as they fell down her cheeks.

She supposed the plus side to this was that her issues with her job no longer seemed that serious. Not when she wasn't even human and no one could tell her just how that was going to play out.

Did shifters go through puberty like normal humans or some sort of supernatural one? Hell, was she about to go through a supernatural puberty? The human one was bad enough.

Nadia looked down at her hands, imagining them covered in scales and tipped in claws, her fingers connected with webbing. She wasn't sure if that's how Havsfru really looked, but it was the best her imagination could come up with.

Holy hell, would she have a tail?

Part of Nadia wanted to talk it out. That usually helped when she was frustrated, overwhelmed or stuck with a massive problem. However, who was she going to talk to? Lara wouldn't believe her in a second. Chloe seemed like her best choice. But even the shifters didn't really know what to tell her.

"Call Remy..." a voice whispered in her mind.

"Fat chance," she grunted to herself.

That would come with a whole other conversation that Nadia wasn't ready for.

Christ, what was she thinking this morning? The number of one-night stands she had in her life would fit on one hand and she had never cheated before. So what was it about the town mayor outside of the fact that he was a walking forest god that could apparently make her cum in minutes with just his tongue and fingers?

Nadia shook her head, managing to push off all those thoughts.

"That is not helpful," she muttered.

Rubbing her face, Nadia then looked around the room. Maybe doing some research would help calm her ever-growing anxiety. Her grandmother had mentioned the journal and books upstairs in the study.

Shoving up from the sofa, Nadia quickly made her way to the bedroom to grab the journal and then headed upstairs to the study. After placing the journal on the desk, she turned and looked at the old books filling the shelves, her eyes flitting over the titles.

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