To Find a Killer

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Nadia hoisted herself into Remy's truck, trying to keep her hands from shaking. Jesus, one mindblowing orgasm - that wasn't even from full-on sex - and she had completely forgotten that fishermen were dying in town.

While she had previously thought there was no way she could be behind the deaths, now that Nadia knew she wasn't fully human, all the panic and fear from earlier came rushing back. But as terrified as she was, Nadia needed to know the truth. She needed to know if she truly was a cold-blooded killer. And then she would do the right thing by turning herself in to Tate.

At least she hoped that's what she would do. It wasn't like she had much of a choice. Nadia was currently in a town of supernatural creatures that could likely track her down no matter how far away she ran.

Not to mention, she was long tired of being on the run, thanks to her mother, even if she had learned more than a few tricks along the way. But more than going to jail, she was scared of what would happen to her if her so-called gifts came into full force and she was alone in a city full of humans who had no idea what was going on.

They didn't even know just how much her supernatural side would affect her outside of her eyes giving off a freaky glow and nightly jaunts to the ocean in her sleep.

"Maybe this isn't even you," Nadia thought to herself as Remy started up the truck and began to pull out of her drive.

Right. Maybe it wasn't.

Or maybe she was a homicidal mermaid. Because apparently that was a thing. Dear Lord, there was too little she knew about this world. She had a lot more questions to ask.

"So... I guess I should fill you in a bit before we get there," Remy said, glancing at her, his voice jolting Nadia out of her thoughts.

She nodded quickly, trying to focus on his voice as he started giving her a rundown of the case.

Of course, his voice conjured up a lot of other thoughts.

Namely what had happened in her bedroom. Nadia felt her cheeks heat up as she shifted around in her seat and stared down at her hands. She remembered the feeling of his body against hers. The fact that she had climaxed so hard, so quickly, that she literally saw stars and had been too stunned to say anything just after. And apparently it had fried her brain, because when he shared his story about his father, she wanted to tell him everything. About growing up with her mother. Her big fuck-up at work. Which was the complete opposite of how she usually was.

Nadia had laid bare before him in the literal sense and now she wanted to do so figuratively. It was like a compulsion.

God, she was embarrassed. She acted like some clingy... whatever. They hadn't even had proper sex and there she went acting like they were something. Which they weren't. They had just messed around.

A relationship with the town mayor was the last thing she needed right now. And well, a friends with benefits situation seemed like too much trouble and not something one did with a guy who was in charge of an entire supernatural community.

And then there was Trevor.

Shit. Trevor.

Guilt coursed through Nadia as she tried to focus on the information Remy was currently rattling out as they sped down the highway. Nadia had never cheated. Before Trevor, she had never had a relationship last all that long anyway, but she always broke up with her partners when she felt things had run their course. It didn't matter that she was already planning to break up with Trevor. She hadn't. And then she had done things with another man.

She had cheated.

Fuck. As if she couldn't screw up her life even more. What was worse, she hadn't mentioned any of this to Remy. What would he think of her when he found out?

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