The Key to Everything and Nothing

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Nadia stood rigidly, waiting for her mother to respond. She nearly couldn't believe that this woman standing before her was the woman she had grown up with. It had been years since the last time they were in the same room, maybe eight or so.

Mara had swung through Boston for a hot minute. It had been a short, but awkward conversation. Nadia had assumed she wanted money, but her mother hadn't asked for it. She had been twitchy and constantly scanning the coffee shop they had met in on the opposite side of town. At the time, Nadia thought she was high, but looking back it might have been her still looking over her shoulder for whoever it was she thought was after them.

Mara had looked rough. She was in dirty, ripped clothing that hung from her emaciated frame. Smelled as though she hadn't showered in days. The short conversation consisted of her asking where Nadia was living and if her building was safe. Telling her not to trust anyone. Before Nadia had the chance to bring up a treatment center, she had run off, disappearing into the crowd outside before Nadia could even follow her.

And this woman - she didn't resemble that Mara in the slightest.

This woman had her features, but she was no longer skin and bone, her hair limp and greasy. Her stance held a certain grace as Mara stood to her full height, which was taller than Nadia remembered. Her skin was clear and glowing, though still line. Somehow she managed to look younger than she had the last time Nadia had seen her. Her long hair was full, thick, and shiny. She was filled out, though still lean.

Mara looked healthy. Like she was finally taking care of herself. She looked... at peace, almost. Save for the tears and pain sparkling in her eyes.

"First of all, I'm so sorry. About everything," Mara said, taking a step towards her.

Nadia stopped her by raising her hand. She closed her eyes and took a step back. She should have known that her mother would show up out of the blue. The question was, what did she want this time?

"Why are you here?" she asked.

She opened her eyes, seeing her mother wring her hands as she looked to the ground. Out of the corner of her eye, Nadia could see Chloe and Tate were staring at each other, probably doing that mind-talk thing Remy had mentioned to her last night. She then glanced over at Remy, finding he had moved to her side, a frown on his face as he stared down Mara.

"I'm here to try and fix things," her mother stated. "And explain."

"Oh, you mean you're going to tell us why you had a demon bind Nadia's essence?" Remy said, crossing his arms in front of him.

Mara's eyes flicked over to him as her brow furrowed. She looked conflicted, as though she wanted to stand up to him, but in the end, she cast her eyes down, bowing her head slightly.

"I don't mean to be rude, Alpha, but this is between me and my daughter," she said softly.

"Yes, but you're both in my pack and on my pack lands, which means it involves me too," he said, his voice a low growl.

Mara winced and hunched over slightly. Nadia looked back and forth between Remy and her mother, a bit unsure what to do. For some unknown reason, she wanted to step in between them and protect her mother from Remy's obvious use of his alpha power. But she didn't move, remembering this was the mother who didn't take care of her. Who abandoned her time and time again.

Who made her steal when they didn't have enough for rent or food or school supplies.

And then there was the fact that Remy didn't mention anything about their so-called mate bond. But maybe that was a strategic move on his part.

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