To Uncover the Truth

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Nadia opened her eyes and found herself standing on the beach. She knew it was a dream, but it still didn't stop the weird feeling slithering up her spine. Her toes wriggled in the sand and she was distinctly aware of the grit. Her eyes looked out over the water and she swore she could see a tiny island far off the coast that hadn't been there the other day.

Or maybe she just hadn't seen it.

Many different scents filled the air around her. The salty brine of the ocean. The heavy scent of bark and lush plant growth threaded through what. Nadia wondered why she had never stopped to pay close attention to it before.

Her eyes looked down at her hands, fascinated with all the tiny details that were now apparent.

Is this what she could expect when her mind became fully unblocked?

There's so much more we can do...

Nadia looked up and spun around, trying to find the source of the voice, even though she knew it was in her head. All she saw were the trees swaying in the ocean breeze. Her house was lit up, all warm and inviting.

"Who are you?" Nadia asked.

You know who we are...

Before she could respond, the scent changed in the air and immediately, Nadia's entire body started to come alive. While it was something she had never smelled before - a mix of sandalwood and soap - she somehow knew who it was. The presence was bigger than life, warm, and comforting.

Something pressed against her mind, silencing the voices though she could feel them reaching out. Wanting to be closer.

Incredibly still and waiting, Nadia watched as Remy stepped out from the shadows of the trees, wearing only a pair of worn jeans that rode low on his hips. Though it wasn't the first time she had seen his bare chest, she still had a strong reaction, feeling her palms begin to tingle with the urge to touch him.

Frustratingly, Remy stopped at the edge of the beach, not moving closer though his entire body looked tense as well. Like he was fighting the urge to be closer to her too. His normally hazel eyes were a bright gold as he stared at her.


Nadia whipped her head around, searching for the source of the voice. This time it wasn't one of the ones in her head, but rather another familiar voice though she hadn't heard it in person in a long time.

"Mom?" she called out, her eyes scanning the overcast beach for her familiar form. A heavy fog was starting to roll in, obscuring the water. "Mom! Where are you?!"

An urgency began to fill Nadia, though she wasn't sure why. She hadn't seen her mother in years and though she wanted answers - about her life, her father, why her mother had done the things she did - she wasn't completely sure she was ready to face Mara.

Are you ready for me?

Nadia whipped her head to look down the beach in the other direction, a new voice entering the mix. This too seemed familiar, though she couldn't quite place it. It was masculine, though held a menace within it that had her shivering in fear.

Run, Nadia. It's what you're good at...

No. Stay. We're safe here.

Don't trust him!

Nadia bent over, her hands over her ears as the various voices began shouting conflicting instructions at her. It was becoming difficult to tell who was who or what she should do. The fog continued rolling in, surrounding her. All the while, Remy remained where he stood - silent.

Into the Fog (Fisher's Bay 1) ✅Where stories live. Discover now