20 Questions

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Remy sat waiting expectantly for Nadia to start asking questions. She fiddled around with her tea mug, staring down into the liquid as though it held all the answers she needed instead of the man seated across from her. He wanted to sit closer and his wolf was even urging him to do so, but he felt it better to stay a bit farther away.

Though he was slowly getting more control over his urges and they had cleared the air somewhat, now wasn't time to play with fire. Nadia wanted to take things slow and he was determined to stick to that.

"Well... I guess first of all... how old are you?" she asked, looking over at him. "I mean... do you guys live forever or something?"

Remy chuckled as he shifted around in the chair, getting more comfortable. He had a feeling it was going to be a long night. Thankfully, he had told Chloe and Tate that he was coming here and the patrols could contact him by phone or mindlink if they needed him. So far, everything was quiet though he wasn't sure how long that would last.

"We don't. Only fae, vampires, gods, and demons have immortality that I'm aware of. Shifters... most of us live longer than the average human and age slower, but not like hundreds and hundreds of years," he replied. "I've heard of some living to 250 or so, but around here, most shifters live about 150 to 200 at the most. I'm only 33, though."

Nadia's eyebrows rose as her cheeks flushed slightly. She gulped and looked down at her mug. Remy thought back to everything he had learned from Ms. Ingrid, hoping he could shed more light on what she could be facing since she wasn't completely wolf.

"Ms. Ingrid, she said that Havsfru live longer than that, but I don't know how much longer," he continued.

"Wow. Okay. So I could be around a lot longer than I expected," she said with a breathless laugh before taking a gulp of tea. "About this fated mate thing... is there anything else you know about it?"

Remy sighed as he looked down at his own mug. He was grateful he had found out a bit more information, though what he would give for more. At least so he could know what to expect.

"I've been researching it since I found out. Most I've already told you - alpha and royal bloodlines. There are stories, yea, but most of them are more akin to fairy tales and it's hard to know what's true and what's not," he said. "I do know that the bond between us, it'll push us to be together. To complete the mating process."

Nadia's cheeks flared a bright red as she sat up a bit straighter and her eyes widened. Remy wished he could see into her mind, but was pretty sure she was thinking of all the shit that had come out in books and movies. While some of them got it right, others had taken considerable liberties with their traditions.

It seemed Nadia had read some of those.

Immediately, Remy was tempted to mess with her. Perhaps get her to admit what she was thinking about right now. Thankfully, his rational side was in control.

As much as part of him wouldn't mind a repeat of earlier today, it was also important to build trust with Nadia.

"It's not what you're thinking," he said quickly. "Or well, I suppose some of it might be. Completing our mating process just means that we mark each other. Typically on the neck. It'll solidify our connection. You'll be able to connect with my mind and I'll be able to do it with yours. That's a normal part of choosing a mate, but with us... the connection is deeper. The bond stronger."

Nadia didn't speak, but only nodded slowly as she looked away.

"So you'll be in my head?" she asked.

"Well... yea... but only what you want me to hear or see," Remy said. "I have a similar connection with the pack and with the other leaders in town. It's mostly just a quicker way to communicate. Though with them, it only works at certain distances. And I would never invade your privacy or anything."

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