Chapter 67 - Living Our Private Two-Character Play

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- Chapter 67 - Dying to Dance -
Warnings: there's a lot of happiness in this. There are a few mentions of nerves, but it's mostly pretty happy lol
Third Person POV

Aurora bounced onto the stage. "I can dance!" she cheered.

Reagan chuckled as she followed her.

Aurora bounced over to Mr. Johnson. "Mr. Johnson! I'm cleared! I can dance!" She beamed.

Mr. Johnson smiled. "That's great, Aurora," he responded. "Are you feeling well enough to dance? You can always sit out for another day," he joked.

Aurora shook her head vigorously. "I've been dying to dance since the injury!" she groaned. "I'm ready! I promise! I already warmed up at home because I'm so excited!" she exclaimed, grinning.

Samuel Johnson chuckled. "Well, if you're warmed up, why don't you try a trick?" he suggested. "Choose an easy one though," he told her.

Aurora nodded quickly. Almost immediately, she thought of a trick and got into position, her arms up.

Samuel watched her. "It may be hard because you haven't done tricks in a few weeks," he reminded her. "Go easy on yourself. Work back to where you were."

Aurora nodded. She took a deep breath and did a round off into a back handspring into an aerial. She landed it, a bit wobbly, but grinned and looked at Reagan and Samuel when she did.

Samuel sighed deeply. "Aurora, what happened to easy?" he questioned.

Aurora tilted her head. "That was easy!" she chirped.

Reagan chuckled, her arms crossed. "She hasn't danced in three weeks," she reminded Samuel. "She's too excited to hold back."

Samuel nodded. "I'm aware, but she may injure herself again if she pushes herself too hard immediately," he reminded her.

Reagan nodded.

"Can I do more?" Aurora asked, perking up.

Samuel hesitated. "You can do more... if you limit it to easy stuff." He shot her a look.

Aurora pouted, but nodded.

Mr. Miller walked out of his office with his clipboard. He noticed Aurora. He smiled. "Oh, Aurora! Are you cleared to dance yet?" he asked, standing next to Samuel.

Aurora grinned. "Yeah!" She did a aerial again.

Samuel sighed deeply. "I don't count aerials to be in my list of easy tricks," he muttered to his boyfriend.

Quentin Miller chuckled. "She hasn't danced in three weeks and dancing is her life," he reminded him. "Give her some leeway. I promise we'll stop her before she gets hurt." He slipped his hand into Samuel's.

Samuel nodded.

Reagan noticed their hands, but said nothing. She smiled.

A few other cast members walked into the room, noticing Aurora.

Noah beamed. "Belle! Are you clear to dance now?!" he exclaimed, noticing that she was up and moving around a lot more.

Aurora grinned. "Yep!"

Noah quickly put his stuff down and ran over to hug her. He picked her up and spun her around. "That's great, Belle!" he exclaimed.

A few of the other cast members joined the hug.

Aurora grinned and hugged them back.

They all pulled away after a minute.

"We can flip together again," Olivier told Aurora, smiling brightly.

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