Prologue (full remake)

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The story is gonna have some chapter rewrites going in soon, the story isn't up to my standards at all, characters are staying the same, but plot might change here or there and I might add or subtract some stuff. Anyways! Onto the story!


Faint howls echo through the city, blood runs in between cracks in the stone like a snake in a maze.

A footstep interrupts the flowing of blood, a man garbed in a hunters uniform walks through the empty streets.

The hunter walks past a shop and stops in front of one of the windows. They look into their reflection, their white hair stained crimson with blood. His clothing torn to shreds, though his body is oddly untouched.

Behind him, a head emerges. A head that looked like a werewolf, it growls at the hunter, softly, but enough to make even a seasoned military veteran piss their pants.

The beast lunges at the hunter. Mid swing, the hunter dodges to the side, the beasts claw smashing the window, jewelry and a mannequin fall down, torn up.

The hunter pulls out their axe and swings it, striking the beast in it's chest. The beast howls in pain as blood flies out of its chest like a geyser.

The hunter spins around, swinging his axe and chopping the beast in half with one solid motion.

The beast drops like a sack of potatoes as the hunter stands over the beasts writhing body.

The beast glances up at the hunter, the hunter stares down at the beast. Their hat and mask blocking their faceless expression. The hunter lifts up their axe and swings down.

The werewolf's head rolls across the stone, it's eyes darting wildly.

The eyes stop as the reflection of the hunter is seen for one last time.

A tall boy, one that could be mistaken for a man is seen walking into a courtyard, his body, that of which can be seen on him, is covered in bruises and scars. His white hair slowly flows through the wind, his walk hunched, he leans on a cane to sustain his incredibly tall form. The students he passes by look like children compared to the 8 foot 3 behemoth of the boy. As he passes the gates into the school, a brown-haired boy quickly rushes up to him.

Issei: "Haru! Glad to see you back, buddy." Issei, one of the perverted trio, one he is friends with. One of the few people he can trust, even if others despise him for it.

Haru: "Hello Issei.." The boy yawns, the bags under his eyes showing he hasn't slept for awhile.

Issei: "No sleep again? What do you do every week?"

Haru: "It's family business Issei, I can't tell."

Issei: "Jeez, first you get a girlfriend you supposedly 'forgot', now you won't tell me why you disappear every first week of the month."

Haru: "Issei, I never said I got a girlfriend."

Issei: "Then what was the deal between you and-" The bell cuts the perverted boy off as the two look at the school. "Crap, we're late."

Haru: "Fun, go to class, idiot, before Sona kicks our asses."

Issei: "Good idea." Issei runs off as the White Haired Boy simply sighs. He slowly makes his way to his locker before he takes his shoes off.

Before he knew it, as he looked down, the floor beneath him had changed to the gray cobblestone he knew all to well. When he looks up, he was in front of a destroyed store. His silver eyes quickly dart around, the dull and dark colors contrast with the schools normal colors. He quickly looks down as he sees a headless beast right in front of him, a very large axe stuck in the stone. Staring into the crimson pool at his feet, his face now masked by his hunters gear. panic slowly seeps throughout his body as his breathing falters. 'Why am I here?' Is the only question ringing out throughout his mind. He quickly grabs his axe and looks around. Howls fill his ears, his mind slowly succumbing to the bloodlust he knows all to well before...


A voice echoes out his name...

His eyes dart around more, his body on autopilot once again.


The voice echoes out once again.

Koneko: "Haru!" The little girls shout makes The Hunter finally snap out of his delusion.

Haru: "W-where?" Was all The Hunter could mutter out as he finally comes to his senses.

Koneko: "Haru-Senpai, you're late for class again..."

Haru: "Koneko.. oh, sorry.. must've zoned out.. yeah, I'll head to class.. just, give me a bit..."

Koneko: "Are you okay, Senpai?" Worry is heard even past her monotone voice.

Haru: "Yeah, fine... just need water, you know?"

Koneko: "You'd better hurry up then..." Koneko then walks off, though before turning a corner, she quickly looks at The Hunter, worry in her eyes before walking off.

The Hunter lets out an exasperated sigh before walking up the stairs, passing the floor his class was on, heading up to the roof. Once he reaches the top, he gently opens up the door. The soft wind blows past him, making his hair dance elegantly. Haru walks to the edge and leans against the gate at the top, his mind wandering as his breathing slowly returns back to him. Such peace is unknown to Haru, even the little breaks like this he must cherish, for he doesn't know if he'll ever return. Fighting his whole life, he didn't know what "normality" was. Hell, he can't remember much at all, his memories are foggy and he can't figure out why. Some he still remembers like Issei, or his family back in that cursed city he calls home. Home, what was home to him, he could never figure it out. His parents either abandoned him, or died in Yharnam. Just a baby, he was when Djura, his foster parent took him to Old Yharnam. Despite the beasts that live there, he couldn't not call it home, the beasts there were like family as well, they taught him what the others fear: fire. Such a tool became everyday use to him, he would always light the beast warding incense at his home if he could, though the smell made him deathly sick, and annoyed, he still lit it, for his own safety. Slowly sinking down, he sits on the floor, leaning against the gate stopping him from falling, he closes his eyes and gets some well deserved rest.

Not to far away, watching The Hunter from an abandoned schoolhouse, was a beautiful woman, her red hair flowing as she leans outside the window. Her name, Rias Gremory. Her sky blue eyes sparkle in the sunlight as her assistant watches her. Akeno Himejima. Her black hair runs down her body as she holds a tray with tea on it.

Akeno: "Ufufu, Rias, still spying on that boy?" The tall girl teases.

Rias: "You could say that... it's just.. he's.. different... his aura is scary.. I don't like it..."

Akeno: "You know, we could always persuade him to join... after all, he has taken quite a liking to Koneko..."

Rias: "That's another thing, Koneko kept saying that she and him haven't been speaking recently... like his memory had been wiped..."

Akeno: "Oh? Now that is odd.." Akeno breaks character for a second, worry plastered on her face.

Rias: "His personality changed as well... I keep hearing stories of him going back to his old reclusive ways of when he first came here... I wonder if..."

Akeno: "You couldn't be saying..."

Rias: "Fallen.." The red haired girl looks at The Hunter once again. "I might need to kill him..."


And that's a wrap folks, I hope you enjoyed this little re-write I did, and I hope you all have a great weekend! Peace.


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