Chapter 12: A Mothers Goodbye

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An axe drops down, chopping a beast patient in half. Haru plucks the axe out of the beast, cleaning the golden blade, dropping it to his side.

Haru: "Disgusting..." Haru's voice held malice as he walks off.

The dungeons walls stained with blood, bodies all over the floor. Haru steps onto a raised platform and flicks a huge lever. Metal shifting and creaking is heard as a lock opening ripples out. Haru then walks out of the bloody room, down through the stone hallways.

Haru: "These fucking halls are all the damn same.."

He makes his way to a gate surrounded by blue light, he walks up to the gate and crouches down, grasping the metal bars, he lifts up the gate. Once he hears a click, he steps through, down a long hallway. A white garbed figure watches from the darkness, a small, sad smile on their face as they watch Haru progress further into the dungeon.

Haru dusts some blood off the rose on his chest, though the red color made it hard to clean off. It was clear one of the petals was falling off, the rose decaying in front of Haru. He lets out a sigh as he opens up a large door, grunting he steps into the large room. Haru's eyes widen as in front of him, a large looming fire dog stands there. "Oh come on..." Was all Haru could mutter as he grips the axe.

Within seconds, the dog rushes Haru, making him dodge to the side. He lifts the axe up, letting the blade dig deep into the beasts flesh, causing magma to pour onto Haru. The boy lets out a shriek of pain as he shakes off the hot magma. He growls as he brushes off a fire from his suit. He turns and faces the dog before catching its snout as it rushes him. His arms now covered in fur, he holds the beast back as he lifts up the axe. "Payback, cunt." He shoves the blade into its eye, causing the dog to let out a howl of pain, lifting up its head, it flings The Hunter back.

Haru lands on his feet, catching the axe before it hits him. "Damn dogs.." Haru throws himself into a stance, quickly transforming the axe into its rifle form, shooting the beast a few times as its magma blood flies around. The dog rushes up again, catching Haru by surprise, the mutt pins Haru to the wall. Blood flies out the boys mouth as he coughs, the mutt drops Haru to the floor as a sickening crack echoes through the battlefield.

Haru lifts his hand to his chest, one of his ribs punctured through his lung. "Son... of a.. bitch!" Haru punches the floor and he stands up. "Okay.. that.. hurt.." He coughs as he turns to the dog. Before The Hunter could attack though, a gunshot rings out blowing the mutts head clean off. Haru's eyes widen as he looks towards the entrance. A man in what looks to be a crowfeather garb walks up.

Crow feather Hunter: "Haru." His strained voice echoes as he walks up towards Haru.

Haru: "Who the fuck are you?!" Haru coughs out.

CFH: "Nobody." They lift up a pistol as Haru's eyes widen.

Haru dives down as gunshots ring out, the Crow feather Hunter follows Haru as he rushes towards a lift, he collapses onto a large pressure plate and the lift goes down. Using his quick thinking, Haru quickly shoots the chains, sending the lift plummeting down past where he was supposed to stop. The boy lets out a scream as he dives into the darkness.

The Crow feather Hunter looks down into the abyss, he lets out a scoff as he walks off into the darkness.


A woman sits at a throne, her pale skin and eyes showing she was once human. She glares at a holographic screen that looks like a phone. The screen glows as a caller ID appears. She taps on the green button.

Highschool DxD: The Beast Hunterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें