Chapter 3: Silence of the wolf

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Ah, quick AN, the writing style will change, as seen from chapter 1 from 2, if you see a pov change, the writing style shall. Shall I keep it that way?

Please let me know, now on to the story.

Pov: none

The hunter wakes up, groaning. Slowly he opens his eyes, the brightness of the day annoying him profusely.

He sighs and sits up. The room was a god damn mess, it looked like someone robbed him.

Haru: What the hell?

The hunter jumps up, he looks around the room before rushing down to his living room.

The living room was a mess as well, the window was broken as well.

The hunter pauses.

Haru: *shocked* What the hell..? Who did this...

Ddraig: O' hunter. This is such a mess you got into.

Haru: Wh- Ddraig?

Ddraig: Yes, it is I O' hunter

Haru: So it wasn't a dream...

The hunter lays his palm on his face before he looks down at himself and freezes.



Haru walks down the path into the school, noticing the perverted trio he groans before making eye contact with Issei.

Issei wore a shocked expression before rushing off from his friends.

Haru: What..? Why the hell is he shocked to see me..?

The hunter sighs and walks off to class.

Girl 1: Woah~ Haru is here!

Girl 2: The beast of Kuoh~ I want him to ravage me~

Girl 3: Yes please daddy~ pin me down and-

Haru shivers at their comments.

Haru: I'm not all that great...

He sighs and plops himself down on a seat.

[Pov Haru]

I look down off the roof of the school. I watch a few birds fly past, crows, ravens, robins, so many birds out today.

Something feels off.. just what? Why was Issei so surprised to see me walk into school? Who broke into my house.. why was I in my house when I passed out outside?

Ddraig: O' hunter, you truly have a lot to learn.

Haru: Ddraig... so, you can speak to me out of the dream.. how?

Ddraig: Ah, I did forget to say huh... we can speak in your mind, so no need to talk out loud.

Haru: *ahem* Test?

Ddraig: No need to go that far O' hunter, I can hear your thoughts

Haru: Fun...

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