Chapter 14: Numb

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Haru falls through the void, the endless abyss consuming and fruitful all at the same time. Images pass through The Hunters mind, his father, his sister, his friends. The endless void sucks and consumes, stars expand and explode, universes born and die. The solar system expands around him, the sky filled with stars, falling like snow, plants crumble and decay, forming monsters of their own. Haru's yells fall on deaf ears, his sound sucked into the void, forever to be unheard. This is where the end and beginning meet, an endless void, endless transparencies shoot past, thoughts fill the mind, and blind those who see.

His final breath, snuffed away by the endless thievery of the void.


A boy is seen walking down a street in an unknown town, his black sweater and jeans covering what can be seen of his body. Black combat boots clomp against the ground, various advanced items can be seen around him, children dancing around him to chase each other, parents talking amongst each other. The boy ignores this though, stepping into an alleyway, out of sight, and out of mind. He makes his way down the dirty pathway, his footsteps drown out the conversations behind him. He makes his way behind a dumpster, eerie silence ensues as he picks up a backpack and unzips it. His hand digs inside of it, pushing away junk before pulling out the skull of a wolf. He grasps the snout of it before grasping the straps on the back and he slides it over his face. His hand then snakes its way back into the bag, pulling out a silver combat knife and a revolver. The boy gazes at the blade, his fingers slowly making their way up and down the blade before he stuffs it inside its holster inside his jacket, then doing the same with the revolver, before closing up his jacket and pushing the backpack back into its hiding spot. Getting up from his kneeling position, he begins to make his way out of the alley before a door opens and he's pulled in. Standing in front of the boy now is his boss, Junior.

Junior: "Aiden! There you are, you bastard. I need your help getting some.. 'unsavory' customers out again."

Aiden: "First of all, it's Necro on the job. Second, is she back again?"

Junior: "You can really read the room, huh? Alright, you got me. She's back and I need you to get her out."

Aiden: "I really deserve a raise.." Aiden lets out an annoyed sigh before beginning to walk away. "Oh, also.. tell what's his name to stop trying to rob me. It's hard to hide the bodies."

Junior: "Yeah, alright." Aiden walks off as Junior sighs.

Walking into the bar, Aiden looks around before his eyes land on a blond woman. He lets out a groan and walks over.

Aiden: "Hey sweetheart, boss says you need to go."

Blondie: "Oh, come on.. do I really have to go?" She turns over and faces Aiden, her slurred speech making Aiden roll his eyes.

Aiden: "By all means, yes, you have to go." He lays his hand on her shoulder, a few strands of hair intertwine with his gloved hand, causing the blond's eye to turn red.

Blondie: "Don't touch my HAIR!" With a quick, furious slap, Aiden's head is turned a straight 90 degrees with a sick snap. The bar patrons pause and stare at the blond and the boy in shock. The blond gasps and covers her mouth.

Silence insures for a minute too long before the boy lifts up his hands and snaps his neck back into place with the sound of a twig snapping in half.

Aiden: "Alright, Yang... you've gone too far, now..." Aiden grabs two vials from inside his jacket.

Yang: "Wait, wait, waitwaitwait! I'm sorry! Not again, please!" The blond, who we now identify as Yang pleads.

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