Chapter 8

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Recap: Kalie gets a big wake up call but when she asks her mother why she hates her..well see how momma reacts to that...

Mom: Kalie you know dang right that I love you.

I'm sure you do.

Mom: Watch it.

'So I rolled my eyes and she came in my room'

Mom: Kal. Give me your phone.. you know when you get grounded that I take your phone.

Momma! Can I please keep it? please. you can it 4 weeks if I can keep my phone.

Mom: No. now it's 4 weeks for arguing with me.

ugh! 'I put my phone down'

Mom: Bring it to me.

You can come get it yourself.

Mom: 2 months Kalie Marie! grounded!!


Mom: you wanna make it 3?


Mom: No what?

no mom.

Mom: No what Kalie?

no ma'am.

Mom: That's what I thought.


Mom: What was that?

Nothing mom.

Mom: drop the attitude.

don't think you can drop an attitude mom.

Mom: 3 Months Kalie Marie.

Okay mom. gosh! Leave me alone.

Mom: Wanna go for 4?


Mom: Then I suggest you quit.

'I mocked her when she left then at dinner'

Mom: Kalie when you finish I want you in your room. got it?


Dad: I dont know what happened but Kalie you better quit with the attitude.

Mom: She's grounded for 3 months, unless she continues with this attitude then it'll be 4.

Dad: For what?

Mom: well it was 2 weeks for not doing the dishes like I asked her to 2 times tonight, then she argued so it ended up 3, then it went to 4 after she argued with me about her phone, then it turned to 2 months once I told her to being me her phone and she said "you come get it if you want it' then it went to 3 when she mouthed off again.

Dad: Kalie Marie Goode. I'm sick of your attitude young lady. absolutely sick of it. As soon as you finish go to my room. You're getting spanked young lady.


Mom: Kalie just Hush.

whatever mom.

Dad: Kalie Marie. Quit. you're just adding onto it.

'So I shut up and I got them after I ate and I got 60....'

well Kal is full of attitude..and daddy is big on spanking Kalie, and mommas big on grounded her...see how they play out for this sass queen.

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