Chapter 31

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'I just looked at her'

Mom: get downstairs. now.

'I groaned at her and got up and went downstairs and sat down and she fixed my plate and put it in front of me'

Mom: Kalie Eat. NOW.

Mom I'm not eating.

Dad: Kalie unless you'd like a trip over my lap for some motivation.

Why do you guys hate me. 'I ended up sliding my plate on the ground on accident and it broke and I had already taken off upstairs'

Dad: what the hell is her deal.

Mom: Just let her be for now.. she needs time. I'll talk yo her before bed, right now I'm gonna fix her some easy mac. she will eat something.

'So she made it and come up to my room'

Mom: 'knocks' sis can I come in..

what do you want.

Mom: Well talk about the attitude later. 'opens the door' You may not want to eat but you're eating. eat it. I'm not leaving and neither are you until you finish that bowl. by the way, we don't hate you, we don't want you starving yourself honey.

momma I don't wanna eat it.

Mom: too bad. Eat it. it's your favorite.


Mom: excuse me?

no. I'm not eating it.

Mom: Eat it. NOW.


'she turned me over on my bed and pulled down my panties and got the paddle and whooped me 20 times'

Mom: You gonna eat now?

no mommy. please stop.

'she whooped me 20 more times'

Mom: Eat it. NOW.

'So I ate it but I had an attitude with it'

Mom: Now was that so hard? I'll be in here before bed so we can talk with no attitude, no smart mouth, got it?

got it..

Mom: Good. I love you sister..

uh huh.

Mom: Kalie I do. I love you so much.
love you too...

'So mom came in there before I wad going to bed'

Mom: let's talk.

let's not.

Mom: I already warned you about attitude earlier, you want to get paddled before bed?

no momma.

Mom: Then don't have an attitude, plain and let's talk.. something is wrong with you sis, you need yo tell me. Mr.Speir is worried about you, your teachers, but mostly me and your dad, and actually mostly me..I'm worried sick about you have never acted the way you did at dinner earlier.. ever. you broke a plate for crying out loud.

I know, I'm sorry for breaking the plate, it truly was an accident and it won't happen again.

Mom: it's okay, I know you didn't mean too which is why you'll be using paper plates until your attitude changes.

yippee for me.

Mom: Kalie what did I say.


Mom: quit. but sis talk to me. please.

Arguments and AttitudeWhere stories live. Discover now