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"Wow..." Brett breathed as they came back down to earth. Eddy quickly got up to grab some toilet paper from the bathroom, then rushed back and handed half of it to his love, wiping his own belly with the rest. 
"Better?" Eddy smiled as he dropped the paper to the floor next to the bed, then took Brett's out of his hands and added that to the pile. He would very definitely have to remember to pick that particular pile up tomorrow, so some poor cleaner wouldn't have to after they had gone to the airport. 
"So much better." Brett told him gently. "That was awesome, Eddy."
Eddy leaned over and kissed his cheek. 
"You are awesome. The best."
Oh, he loved Brett's shy smile, the one he gave him now, his eyes cast down, his skin still glowing slightly red from their lovemaking. 
"No, you are." he said, and kissed him again. 

Brett went to the bathroom then, and when he came back he settled in under the sheets, lifting them up to invite Eddy in. He snuggled up to him. There was peace, now. There was nothing to do anymore, nothing to achieve. They lay in silence for a long while, together, Eddy's leg hooked around Brett's, his head on Brett's shoulder, his soft breaths a gentle caress under his cheek. 
"I can't believe we're going home tomorrow." he said. His soft voice seemed to float around the dusky room. 
"Me neither. I could stay here forever."
"Yeah? You'd like a home in Taiwan?"
Brett shrugged. 
"I don't really know about where. But I would love to spend some time in Asia one day. Maybe Singapore? Singapore seems nice. Do you think we could visit there? Save up for a ticket?"
Eddy could picture it so easily already, the two of them in Singapore. They would have a little apartment in some tower block, just for them, with a nice view over the whole city. They would practise all day, side by side in the spare room. But then... what would they do for work? Surely there were no orchestras that allowed you to leave for months at a time? They'd have to at least be based in Australia, right? 
"I'd love to try." he said softly. "Maybe we can go in the summer break. See what it's like."
Brett grinned. 
"In monsoon season?"
"Okay. Christmas break."

Eddy knew they had said to the guys that they weren't going to sleep, but he was fighting a losing battle here, he knew that. His eyes were closing for longer periods of time, and he could feel Brett's breaths becoming softer and deeper under his cheek. 
"We should brush our teeth" he mumbled before he would have a chance to pass out completely. 
"Mmm. I don't feel like brushing my teeth."
Brett's sleepy voice was like a lullaby. 
"Me either. Our teeth won't fall out after one day not brushing, right?"
"I'm quite positive they won't."
Eddy's eyes were completely closed now. His hand was on Brett's belly, rubbing his thumb gently over his side. 
"It was the best week though, wasn't it?"
Brett nodded. 
"Yeah. I think John's happy with how we did. I'm sure Todd and Ian are happy with it, right? You did good, too, Eddy. Real good. With everything."
"Thanks, Bretty. So did you."
Brett hummed and yawned softly. He snuggled into him a little more and he would say something else, ask him something else just to prolong the evening, or maybe he would at least get up and brush his own teeth after all, but before he knew it he was gone, drifting gently off into a deep sleep. 

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