Part 1: For the Sake of Love | Chapter 2

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"Are you okay, my sweet?" Chaewoo asked.

She startled me quite a bit..

"Yeah, I am.. Can I go back to my dorm? I don't feel well.." I asked as politely as possible. It was the dumbest excuse I've ever heard.

"Umm.. sure! I'll ask Woobin to give you some medicines later!" she rambled as I slowly walked away. "Serim! Are you sure you want to go alone? It's 9:54pm!"

"I'll go with him." Woobin said quickly to save me.

"Okay! Take these medicines before you go!" she asked quickly while scurrying her purse for some pills. She looked up to an empty hall, for I ran to the elevator with Woobin. I quickly pressed our floor level and waited for it to reach my level. Woobin didn't bother to say anything. Woobin, Wonjin, and Hyeongjun were my roomates. Which made me more nervous if Hyeongjun came through the door at any time I was in the dorm.

"Level 14." said the elevator robot's plain voice.

We got off and headed to the door with bold numbers "7381" in gold. I inserted the key card and opened the door. I sat on a bar stool positioned near a spotless marble countertop near the cupboard next to the entrance, realising that Wonjin was already inside.

"Why aren't you downstairs?" I said sleepily.

"I should ask you.. I said I wouldn't go because my department had a dinner for starting the semester, but it ended earlier than we thought." Wonjin proclaimed smartly.

"Oh.. well I guess I should tell you why we're here." I said truly unwell. I guess I wasn't lying about my health.

I went on to explain everything with Wonjin exaggerating every reaction to my words. Then I hear a billion rapid knocks on my door realising it was Chaewoo. I ran into my room into my bottom bunk after closing the bedroom door behind me.  Wonjin went to the couch and Woobin opened the door. The sight of Seongmin, Minhee and Chaewoo shocked him. Chaewoo was in the doorway, and Seongmin and Minhee was carrying a passed out Hyeongjun.

"Serim! You need to come out right now!" Woobin yelled although Wonjin was so close to him.

I went outside and once I saw Hyeongjun, I rushed next to him to carry him. I startled myself that I carried him in that one princess position. I think Chaewoo was suspicious about that but I couldn't care less. I carried my drunken crush to his bottom bunk without saying a word to Chaewoo, kicking the door close as I walked. 

I placed him down and Hyeongjun mindlessly took off his uniform top. I was going crazy. I hated alcohol but I guess my cute little crush does. I was trying my best not to go crazy on Hyeongjun as soon as he was tearing his clothes off. I quickly covered him with his blanket and went to get a bowl of water and a towel.

I came back and started to rub his body with the towel I dipped into  the bowl of water. Then he wrapped his arms around my neck locking me near his face. I dropped my towel unconsciously as Woobin came into the room. I threw my hands back to show I wasn't doing anything to him to Woobin, then he closed the door and started a cnoversation with Wonjin to prevent him going into the room.

Hyeongjun pulled my lips to him and I froze. He made me so hot that I took off my shirt and threw it on the floor. I knew this was wrong, but I couldn't stop myself.. Hyeongjun's passionate kiss.. I couldn't stop. His body was so soft and warm. He seductively moved his hand down my body. I couldn't handle it. I dominated him with him softly moaning and squealing.

I woke up in Hyeongjun's bed with clothes all over the floor, realising what I had done. I was such a light drinker that the alcohol from Hyeongjun's mouth made me drunk. I looked at my feet seeing Hyeongjun awake blankly looking at me.

"Did we..." Hyeongjun slowly muttered.

"Yes-" I said in horror.

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