Part 4: There is a Different Way! (Final) | Chapter 20

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Woobin POV:


We got back from the canteen and I decided I wanted to sleep early. Jinnie allowed me to, but he wanted to talk to me.

He walked out of the bathroom with my clothes on and drying his hair with a towel. I took it from him and he sat in front of me, who was sitting on the couch, and started drying his hair. You know, like every drama BL ever.

"Rubi-yah~~" Wonjin whined.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Why did you want to diet anyway?" he asked sweetly.

"You know already! The website, netizens.." I trailed off.

He took my hands off his head and turned around angrily. I was so confused. I was serious here!

"Rubi-ya. You are cute and you are mine okay?" he said, facing me, kneeling, grabbing my face and making his face close to mine.

"Yes! Okay! Now turn around and let me finish drying your hair!" I said laughing.


"Okay I'm done!" I said, finished drying his hair.

"Thanks, Rubi!" Jinnie said, kissing me on the cheek, giving me butterflies.

He held my hand and took me to the bedroom. He tucked me in nice and tight.

"Don't forget, that I love you no matter what okay?" he asked.

"Okay~" I replied, as he kissed my lips.

"Goodnight, Rubi-yah~" Jinnie said walking to the door, and as he closed it he said,

"If you have troubles,

There is a Different Way"

                                          - Wonjin

=== Part 4 Complete ===

Part 5 to be released:


=== Note to viewers! ===

I wrote this as if us, LUVITY, were Wonjin. We should have this mindset in real life too! Not to fat shame anyone or be mean because they don't fit the standards. Woobin is really handsome and very talented.

Thank you!! <3

- / ieanxie

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