Part 3: Forget Me | Chapter 14

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Minhee POV:

"Where am I?" I yelled, expecting an answer.

"Blindfolded and tied to a chair." I heard my father say.

"Yeah, no kidding." I say sarcastically.

"Listen to me, you are having an arranged marriage to Jin Haeseok. You are to break up with Eunhee." my father told me.

"No! I love Eunhee! Haeseok is in grade 10!" I fought back.

"Doesn't matter." father said calmly. "Your brother is going to deal with her and that crooked Chaewoo."

"What's he going to do to Chaewoo!?" I exclaimed.

My father took my blindfold off, keeping the ropes around my arms, to find I was in a high school chair in a basement looking place.

"Why am I in a basement?" I asked.

"This place has one floor." my father said. "Anyway, your siblings will take care of the girls' dorm, and, remember Wooseok? The guy you got extremely close to on that stupid survival show?"

"Produce X 101. And yes, why?" I reply.

"He has been brainwashed about your story, and has taken my side. He will take care of Chaewoo and Eunhee." he said.

"What will he do?" I asked.

"Kill Chaewoo, and leave Eunhee in tear, claiming to be you." said a familiar voice.

It was Wooseok! I haven't seen him since X1 disbanded!

"You're evil really. Friend. How could you date someone when you know you're getting an arranged marriage?" he asked.

"I didn't!" I yelled helplessly, seeing my siblings come into the room.

"Eh, doesn't matter." My hyung said, with my noona holding a helmet.

"What does that do?" I asked.

"Removes all your feelings for Eunhee. Giving you the mindset to repeatedly tell her, to forget you!" my noona said excitedly, placing it on my head.

"Take it off! Take it-.............." I yelled as I fell motionless, but still conscious.

"He'll be fine, Wooseok. You are my third son! You are so good to me." I heard my father praise my friend. "Unlike someone. Oh! Dye your hair red."

"Yes, sir." Wooseok said, making a racket getting dying equipent."

"They'll realise that Minhee still has blonde hair." my father said.

"Let your dongsaeng go." my father said turning to my hyung.

He did as he was told, untied me but I was still on my chair. Then I fell asleep. A really deep sleep.

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