Part 5: Bodyguard with Benefits (Final) | Chapter 25

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"Minhee-yah!" Wonjin yelled.

"Eunhee, I need to explain to you myself.." Minhee said.

"Go ahead.." Eunhee said without looking at Minhee.

Minhee played a tape on his phone.

"Hello Eunhee. This is Minhee's father. I had sent Wooseok to take care of you and Chaewoo, because I wanted Minhee to marry another woman. I apologise for my actions and my children also apologise deeply. We have given Minhee the memory he had lost, and we will not do this again. As for Chaewoo, she faked her death. I had paid her to play along with Wooseok. She was not buried, but taken to Wooseok's home to hide in the meantime. Chaewoo has taken her money back as well. I, Kang Minhee's father, promise not to hurt you and your friends ever again. On the other hand, the woman promised to Minhee, is now in jail, for trying to kidnap Minhee. Thank you."

She turned around and saw Chaewoo. She ran to her and hugged her, crying.

"You, my crazy love, come here."

Minhee came to her, and she kissed him. We all cheered for the reunion. All the boys hugged Minhee, and Sooyun joined Eunhee and Chaewoo's hug.

It was a very emotional and unexpected morning, though it was a great start to know that our group has reunited and together again. 

Seongmin had pulled me to the closest bathroom and couldn't hide his smile. He pulled my face to his and our foreheads touched. He then pulled our heads apart, before bringing them back together for a kiss, then our foreheads were together again.

"For you, I'll always be the

Bodyguard with Benefits"

                                              - Taeyoung

=== Part 5 Complete ===


You have finished Lies and Secrets by me!

There are a few unintended morales with each story.

For the Sake of Love & Rivalry of Best Friends - Follow your heart and don't be shy to do what you want (if it's legal)!

Forget Me - No matter what happens, if you and your lover are apart, but still love each other, there shouldn't be a reason to leave them feeling abandoned!

There is a Different Way! - It doesn't matter what you look like, if someone doesn't like you, it is up to them! Find someone who truly loves you for who you are!

Bodyguard with Benefits - Pursuing your crush may possibly work, but do not keep your feelings to yourself!

Thank you for reading this book!
This is the end~!

-  /  ieanxie

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