Part 4: There is a Different Way! | Chapter 17

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Wonjin POV:

I wake up and slowly get out of bed I check the time on my phone and see red marks on Serim and Hyeongjun's faces.

"Serim-ie-hyung, what happened?" I asked.

"They know we're dating.. They're gonna hit us every night.." Hyeongjun answered as he sat up. "There's no way to escape it.."

"Can't you go somewhere else?" I asked, looking at them desperately. They can't live like this!

"They'll know you've left and where you're headed.. I don't know how.. They just do.." Serim said looking miserable.

"They have access to all existing cameras, jjagiya.." Hyeongjun said.

"We aren't in North Korea! My gosh.." I scoffed, walking outside.

As soon as I left the room, I saw Woobin eating a salad? He hates them! Wait- he loves tomatoes... He was eating just tomatoes?

"Hyung, what are you doing?" I yelled across the room, running to him to prevent another tomato into his mouth.

"Why? I want to though!?" Woobin said furiously. "There is proof people think I'm fat and overweight!"

"Show me!" I said trying to keep my cool.

He showed me a page on Quora? 

(Real site if you would like to see comments he made of himself and netizen comments. Just copy and paste it into your search engine)

"See?" Woobin asked. "Someone made an account to just rub it in!"

"Yah- stop looking at it!" I said, grabbing the phone from his hand. "Let's go down to the cafeteria for you to eat."

"I'm going down, but I'm eating this." Woobin said firmly.

"Mm- fine." I gave in. 

He looked so cute as my hyung, though......... I couldn't believe people would shame hime like that!

"Wonjin-ah, tomorrow I'm starting IU sunbaenim's diet." Woobin said.

"Which is? And, how long?" I asked.

"An apple for breakfast, sweet potato for lunch and protein shake for dinner? Do you not know? Never mind. I'm doing it until I don't look overweight!" Woobin said, looking satisfied with his plan.

"No! Just- Ugh... Let's go downstairs." I said.

We went to the elevator as Serim and Hyeongjun caught up with us. We went down altogether, stopping at Sooyun and Eunhee's level. Them both getting in with Eunhee's sullen face, as she misses Chaewoo so much. Minhee has transferred to a different university so she's alone. Taeyoung had moved into Seongmin, Jungmo and Allen's room so he wouldn't sleep alone, for he normally hugged Minhee when he slept as a bolster. Just as friends though.

We all left the elevator to see Taeyoung teasing Seongmin again in front of Allen and Jungmo who acted like they were the only people in the world. Until Sooyun came and kissed both of them on the cheeks and the two returned the favour. We sat down next to them and I blurted out:

"Eurobeun (everyone in Korean)!!!!" I yelled, as no one else was in the cafeteria for it was too early in the morning.. 6:00

"What?" Jungmo said, look annoyed, as Sooyun help calm him down by hugging him, instantly making him smile.

"Help me stop Woobin-ie-hyung from dieting tomorrow!" I said loudly.

"Depends on what it is.. and the reason?" Allen said intelligently.

"Because of stupid netizens and he wants to do IU sunbaenim's diet." I said showing everyone the website Woobin saw.

"Netizens are so mean!" Sooyun said in an angry baby voice, making Allen and Jungmo look at her sadly and calming her down. "Our amazing, talented friend doesn't need that!"

"IU sunbaenim's diet is pretty hard.. start with two apple, two sweet potatoes and two shakes to start." Eunhee said emotionlessly.

"That's a good idea.." Woobin said.

"Just don't do it, please, hyung!" I pleaded.

"It's fine, Wonjin-oppa.." Eunhee said, looking sleepy.

There was no way I was letting him diet! I needed him to stop!

=== Special Thanks! ===

Special thanks to Jayce for supplying the information on Quora! The credits goes to you! Seeing this also breaks my heart...

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