Part 3: Forget Me | Chapter 13

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"Are you Mr Kang Minhee's lover?" a man asked in front of our dorm.

"Yes, " I said despite confusion. "but what is happening?"

"Our boss has told us that he has no more lover." he replied heartlessly.

I looked at Chaewoo and we exchanged looks as to say, "That's why he acted like he did!".

"May I ask why?" I asked.

"He has an arranged marriage after he completes his time here at Seoul National University." the man told me.

I looked as confused as ever. Why didn't he tell me these things?

"Did he know about this last semester?" Chaewoo asked.

"Yes." said the lady who was standing next to the male guard.

So he did know. With that information he decided to date me? I didn't know why this is happening to me. Why me? I started to doubt myself.

"May I go inside?" I ask.

"Yes." said the lady as both guards took a step to the side so that they weren't blocking the way anymore.

We both walked in and to our shock, everything was at of place, or ruined. I ran into my room and my little box of polaroids of Minhee and myself were gone! Someone's raided the place! I tried to call Minhee, but it lead to VoiceMail, and messages will just be read. This was crazy! I then saw a figure with bright red hair and his hair was cut to his ears.

Bingo! It's Minhee! He didn't say anything about colouring it though, and why wasn't it cut at lunch?

"Forget him." the figure said, with a voice significantly deeper than Minhee's.

"He's my boyfriend!" I said desperately.

"He loves no one but his future wife." he replied.

"Which is?" Chaewoo stood up.

"Not your concern!" he replied. He pulled out a gun that looked fully loaded with bullets, and pointed it at Chaewoo.

"Now you shut the fuck up. This is not for you. If not, I promise to shoot you." the man said threateningly.

"NO! SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND! YOU CANNOT DO THIS!!" Chaewoo yelled furiously.

Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!

Three loud deafening shots sounded, and Chaewoo was gone.

"You psycho! What have you done!" I yelled as I hugged my dead best friend.

"Did what I had to. She wouldn't shut up. No choice, but to shoot her." he said.

"You didn't have to!" I cried.

"I'm a man of my words. I promised to shoot her." he explained.

"Get out! Get out, Get out!!" I screamed, "You motherfucking murderer!"

The man turned around and left. My bloodied hands picked up my phone and called everyone in the group chat to come. The door was wide open, the shady people had left, and everyone, but Minhee, flooded my bedroom.

"Oh, my gosh!" Sooyun said, as she passed out and Allen and Jungmo caught her.

"What happened?" Hyeongjun asked, looking at Serim's sullen face, shaking his head.

"Someone who looked like Minhee shot her! She tried to stand up for me because that man and two guards said that he only loves his future wife!" I cried, trying to explain through my tears.

Woobin crouched down next to me and tried to console me.

"She needs the most royal funeral ever!" he said, with me nodding in agreement.

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