Chapter Eleven - Esther

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I awoke in what I thought was the middle of the night.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up to see that there was sunlight peeking through the tops of the curtains. What time was it?

The bed was empty save for myself and the other side was neatly made and the pillow looked fluffed and unslept on. I looked over at the clock that sat just above one of those well-covered windows, and it was almost eleven.

He didn't wake me up?

I crawled out of bed and picked up my pillow and blanket that I grabbed from the other room, I didn't want to leave his personal space a mess.

I stalked out to the hallway, and listened carefully for any sound of life within the house. And I was met with silence. I wonder where Neil went...

I didn't have a phone, I haven't quite worked long enough to get one, and so I have no way of contacting him. Do I wait for him? Do I leave? We haven't really talked about if this happens because we've never stayed at each other's house. He's actually never been inside my apartment, but we're getting to that.

I'm so self conscious about it after being in his grand home.

I folded the blanket, left it and the pillow on the guest bed, and changed back into my clothes from the day before, leaving the night clothes I borrowed next to the pile of returned items.

When I got down the stairs and into the foyer, I noticed a sticky note on the front door.

So he didn't forget about me.

I don't know why, but my stomach erupted in something I wasn't normally familiar with feeing around anyone but him, but I grabbed the little pale yellow piece of sticky paper in my fingers, and it read,

"I got called into work, you can stay if you'd like. I won't be home all day."

Hm. I didn't even feel him get up from—

Oh my god.

We shared the same bed last night.

My cheeks felt hotter than hell and I couldn't stop thinking about if I had accidentally pulled him to me in my sleep or if I kicked him or sleep talked, I wonder if he was even at work?

Was he too embarrassed to see me this morning?

What did I do.

I know for one thing, I am not staying here. I'll just catch him in a few days, I guess.

I forgot I have laundry to do, anyways.

I unlock the door to my apartment and step inside, it's super warm up here and I then realize I didn't turn on my fan or even open a window. It got super stuffy and thankfully not humid.

When Carol and I went shopping, they were kind enough to buy me some nice summer clothes, a pair of shoes, and some new blankets for my old bed that was up here since they inherited the property.

I have paid them back finally, and now every dollar I make I can keep towards saving up to buy a full wardrobe and possibly finding a place of my own. I wonder how much Neil bought his house for? It would be nice to live out there in the quieter area rather than near the school that held every grade.

I found my brush and hair oil that I recently got and went to take a shower.

I turn the water on almost to the hottest setting, and get to work washing my hair vigorously.

I lather oatmeal soap all over my body and all I can think of is how Neil looks at me. It's weird to me that I wait until I'm in the shower to have these thoughts, but I can't help it anymore.

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