not dead

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Hello readers. Long time aye? I just want everyone who has read and interacted with this story to know that I appreciate you guys so much! This was the first story I have ever felt confident about posting and I was in 7th grade! I'm now graduate from high school and a Dream stan so seeing some of the people who reads this and comments on it having their pfp of quackity or sapnap honestly makes me laugh. I still watch sam colby and jake, but my life has gotten so damn busy it's hard to keep up as much as I did before. Want you guys to know that your loved and appreciated! And I will also not be continuing any of the other stories I had put up and I may take them down bc I just dont feel motivated enough to come up with anything new😪 BUT THANK YOU GUYS AGAIN! I LOVED SEEING ALL THE POSITIVITY IN THE COMMENTS TOWARDS ME AND ANYONE ELSE WHO COMMENTED!!🥰 Goodbye! Stay you!

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