tears and proposal rings.

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it's been about a week since Brennens incident. He is alive and well, but it was one of the worst weeks of my life. He was in a comma for two days, and has forgotten everything. He forgot what he has done, he forgot why he was in the hospital. He forgot me.

When he woke up from his coma, I was sitting next to him. I saw him moving and his eyes slowly pried open. I got excited and happy, so I hugged him. When I did, he felt stiff. He then asked who I was, why he was in the hospital. I tried to explain, but he wouldn't remember.

Instead of going back to his cell, they s my him to a mental institution. Not a hospital, he was allowed to leave whenever he wanted. But he had a curfew and a tracking device that couldn't be taken off.

It made me feel a little better about the situation. Knowing that he isn't locked up, left alone with his thoughts. He started coming over to my house and tried to remember. He said he felt bad for forgetting who I was.


I don't know what to do. Colby seems like such incredible person. I wish I could just remember. I went over to his place every once in a while. Everytime I did, he would tell me things that we did in the past. According to him, we went to Japan together with Elton and Jay. I remember them, but I just can't remember Colby. I don't know why.

He told me I went to jail. He didn't explain why, but he said I tried to attempt suicide and that's why I was in the hospital.



"Why was I put in jail? Did, did I hurt anyone? Did I hurt you?"

"Brennen, you did hurt someone. Not bad, you just nocked them out and threatened to kill Jake."

"I did? Where did this happen?"

"The fair, at the top of the fairis wheel."

I remember. I remember the fairis wheel, and getting put in the back of the cop car. I remember shooting the gun in the air to scare Colby and Jake.

"Colbs. I remember."


"I remember everything. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I don't know what I was thinking."
I started to break down in tears.

"Shh, it's ok Brennen. It's ok. You remember, so everything is alright."


I'm with Jake right now looking for rings. Colby was going to come, but he wanted to be there for Brennen. Which I understand.

We were looking at the gold rings, with little diamonds around them. This isn't going to be the ring I out on her finger at the wedding. That ring will be just as beautiful as her. This is just the ring to propose with.

Jake was on the other side of the store looking at the silver rings. I found one that I liked so I brought it over to Jake.

"Hey, Jake. What about this one?"

"That's nice. But I think I found a better one." He held out a ring that had the letter K carved into the diamond. It's not a big diamond, but it's perfect for Kat.

"That's perfect."

"So I won?" I shook my head and laughed.

"I'll take that as a yes."
We went over to pay for the ring.
"Excuse me, how much is this ring?"
"I'll take it." We made our purchase and went back to the house. I went to go see if Brennen was here still. While walking to Colby's room, I heard a loud thud. I ran over to his room and open the door to see Colby crying and Brennen on the bed looking towards him. When Colby noticed I was there, he ran up to me and hug me.

"Woah! Colbs, you alright?"

"Yes! He remembers!"



ooh, they were happy tears.
"That's great Colby!" I walked over to Brennen to say hi and to see how well he was taking this.

"Hey Brennen. How are you taking this?"
"Hey. And I don't know. I feel so guilty for what I did to Colby and Jake. I don't know what I was thinking."
"It's ok. That's all in the past. What matters is that your alive and can remember things now. Which-" I pointed to Colby who was on his phone. "Made Colby feel so much better. He thought he lost you." Brennen got up and hugged me. "Thank you." "No problem"


It's been about an hour since me and Jake got home. Me and Colby were talking about where I should propose. Brennen had to leave about 10 minutes ago and Jake is watching SpongeBob. I swear, he has the mind of a 5 year old.

"What about here?"
Colby interrupted my thoughts and showed me a Starbucks.
"Really dude? A Starbucks?"

"Yeah, you can make a really cheesey joke. Like 'katrina, your the star to my bucks. Will you marry me?' and she would obviously say yes."

"Colbs, she will probably shake her head in disappointment and walk away. That was terrible."

"Rude!" I laughed and patted his back.

"Colby, I'm, terrified."

"What for?"

"What if Kat says no? What will happen then?"

"Dude, she won't. You guys have been dating for about 3 years. And if she does say no, she's missing out on a wonderful person. No one can compare to you."

"Thanks. But I'm still pretty scared and nervous."

"That's normal."
Jake came in and showed us a spot that is perfect. Colorful lights were hanging from a tree. There were benches that were pretty far away from each other so that we could get privacy. And best of all, it has an amazing view of L.A.

"Jake, that's perfect!"

"Really? So I won, again?!"

"Jake, it's not a compitition."
Colby butted in.

"Yes it is!"

"No it's not!"
While they were going at it, I walked away and made myself some cheese toast. Fucking dorks.

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