The move

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Jake's POV


Im actually doing it. I'm leaving Kansas to go to L.A. I never thought this day would happen. Especially with my too best friends, Sam and Colby. But I'm scared to be near Colby. It's not a bad scared it's like a nervous scared you know like the fear you get when you are near your crush? And if you haven't already figured it out, I have a crush on Colby. I've never told anyone that I was gay, but I'm planning on telling my family today.
I was packing the stuff in my room when my mom came in.
"Hey, sweetie how is the packing going?"
"Um, it's going ok. I'm going to miss you so much when I leave."
"I'll miss you too Jakey, promise to visit every holiday."
"I promise. Um mom, I have to tell you something, but I think I should tell you and dad at the same time."
"Ok sweetie, come to the dining room when you are ready me and your dad will be sitting at the table."
As my mom walked out, I breathed in and breathed out to calm my nerves.
I walked into the dining room and sat in the chair across from my parents.
I took another deep breath as my dad spoke.
"Jake, you said you had something to tell us?"
"Yes, I'm g-gay."
As soon as I said that I looked up from the table to see my mother in shock and my dad with a face that says it all. He doesn't approve, but what happened next I never thought would happen. He slapped me. My own father slapped me because I don't like fucking girls. (No offense, I'm gay remember?) I stood up level with my dad and just nodded.
"I'll get my stuff now, you don't have to deal with me anymore."
"Danm right! I will not be having a fag in my house! You are no longer my son and you are no longer allowed in my house! Get your shit, and leave!"
I just signed and grabbed all the boxes from my room. I had to take two trips and I did it quickly. It was a good thing I had one of those dolly things
I got in my car with out even saying bye to my mom. I don't even know if she wanted me there or not, she didn't even react when my dad slapped me.

(👏 Time skip 👏)

Once I pull into the so called trap house I see Sam standing outside the door. I got out of my car and went up to him. He was looking down at his phone. I'm guessing he didn't notice me pull in so I decided scare him. I slowly walked closer and yanked his phone out of his hands. He jumped back in shock. "Holy crap! What the- Jake!?" "Hey bro!" "Fuck dude, don't do that again." "Ok, ok." "Wanna go inside?" Sam asked. I just nodded and followed him in. When I walked in, it was much bigger than expected. I saw Colby coming down the stairs, and my heart skipped a beat. "Hey Jake!" Colby said coming over to me. "Hey bro, how's it been?" "Eh, it's been stressful, but now I have my best friend living with me it should get better." Colby joked. Sam looked at Colby shocked and acted hurt, even though he knew it was a joke. "Hey, what am I chopped liver?" "I'm just messing bro, I'm glad you are here Jake." "Thanks bro, me too." After me Sam and Colby all caught up on our lives, I started to go outside and grab my boxes from my car. As I was unpacking everything, I started to think. What will happen if I tell the guys I'm gay? Will they react like my parents did? I wonder how Reggie is? How would Colby think of me after I tell him I'm gay? How will Sam think of me? There millions of questions going through my head. I got pulled out of my thoughts as Colby came into my room. I swear, this boy will be the death of me.

Colby's POV
I'm glad Jake is moving in with us. But the thing is he makes me nervous. I like him, like more than a friend. I started having this crush on him when we did that one vine where he had to sit on my lap. I had a feeling before that but, him sitting on my lap just confirmed it. The only person that knew about me being gay was Sam, and I told him before Jake got here how I felt about him. I let Jake unpack for a little bit before I walked into his room. When I walked I stood there for a minute just admiring him. I don't even think he knew I was there. He looked really lost in thought. I lightly knocked on his door to let him know I was there. "Hey, Jake. How's the unpacking?" "Eh, boring. Wanna keep me company?" "Um, yeah. So how are your parents?" As soon as I asked that question Jake's face dropped. I immediately got worried. "Jake? Are you ok?" I walked closer to him and he just backed up. I stood there confused. "Y-yeah, I'm fine Colby." I saw a tear slide down his cheek and that's when I knew something was definitely wrong. I walked up to him and placed my pointer finger and thumb on his chin to turn his face towards me. "Jake, what happened? Are they hurt?" That's when he started crying harder. He put his head on my shoulder and I just embraced him into a hug. "Jake what happened?" I asked for like the third time. He lifted his head from my shoulder and just stared directly into my eyes. "If I tell you something Colby, do you promise not to tell anyone about it?" I shook my head yes. What he told me was not what I was expecting.

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