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FACE REVEAL! Also, if u want you can play the song

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FACE REVEAL! Also, if u want you can play the song. I love this song so I decided to share it 😄☺️


Colby's POV

It's been a few months since what happened with Brennen at the fair. He is sentenced to a year in jail for assault and terrorism.
Today I'm going to go see him in jail. Im going without Jake. I haven't told Jake or anyone in the house that I'm going, I don't want to answer questions.

It's only 11am right now, and I'm sitting in the living room with Navi next to me. Sam and Kat came in and Sam stood in front of me with a pissed of look. I looked up from my phone to see him better. "Umm, is there a problem bro?" I asked. "Yeah, there's a huge fucking problem." "And that problem is?" "Stop playing dumb. Your going to see Brennen, and that's not right!" "Wait, how did you find out about that?" "It was a reminder on your phone. why didnt you tell us colby?" i just sighed and looked at him. "do i really have to tell you?" he shook his head and gave me a 'duh' look. "fine, i didnt want you guys following me and asking questions. also, i knew you guys would be against it." "well duh colby! he tried to fucking KILL YOU!!!" "i know that! hes going through a hard time and i want to help him." "Colby, how can u help him get better while he's in jail?" "By preventing him to commit suicide. He has talked about it and has attempted to do it. He started cutting himself with a sharpened fork Sam!" "I'm sorry. I-I didn't know." "I know you didn't. It's ok. Just let me leave."

Sam nodded his head and helped me off the couch. "Sam, don't tell Jake about this. I'm already planning on doing it when I get back." "I won't. Please be careful Colbs." "I will."

Jake's POV
I was upstairs in my room and heard Sam and Colby arguing. "Well duh Colby! He tried to FUCKING KILL YOU!" What? Is he going to see Brennen? But why? He tried to kill me and Colby. "Sam, don't tell Jake about this. I was already planning on doing it when I came back." What?! I ran downstairs and Colby was already gone. "Sam. Where's       C-Colby?" "Uh he uh um went to the store. He'll be back in an hour or so." "Sam, I know you are lying to me. Where did Colby go?" "Jake, I can't tell u that. Just wait til he comes back." "Why can't you tell me?" "Because, it's not my place to say anything. Colby will tell you when he gets back. Please just trust me on this." "He went to see Brennen, didn't he?" "H-how did you? You heard us, didn't you?" I just shook my head. Sam sighed and put his hands on my shoulders. "Jake, look at me." I shook my head no and kept looking down. Sam grabbed my chin and pulled my head up in order for me to look at him. "There is nothing going on between him and Brennen. Brennen has threatened to kill himself and started to cut. All Colby is trying to do is help him." Great, I'm the biggest asshole of all time. "I'm sorry, I let jealousy get the best of me." "It's ok Jake, I understand. He'll be back soon and will explain everything to you, ok?" "Ok. Thanks for calming me down." "Of course."

Colby's POV
After about 15 minutes, I finally arrived at the jail. I signed in and was taken to his cell. (I could be wrong with this, but IDK how a prison works...) When I got to Brennen's cell, he was laying on the floor surrounded in blood. "BRENNEN! WAKE UP BRENNEN, PLEASE!" I started to panic and was screaming for a guard to come. "GUARD, HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" After about a minute, a guard came in and saw Brennen on the floor. He opened the cell door and checked for a pulse. "Is is he alive?" "Yes. WE NEED MEDICAL HELP!" the gaurd kept calling for help and someone finally came in. They picked Brennen up and put him on a stretcher. They put him in the back of an ambulance and I got in my car and followed them to the hospital.

Sam's POV
I got a call from Colby. All I could hear was him crying and panicking. "Colby? What's wrong?" "I'm, on my way to the h-hospital. Brennen tried to to kill himself. He still has a pulse, but I don't know if he will make it." "Shit. Um, ok Colby just calm down and breath. I'll meet you at the hospital. I'll bring Jake." "No, I don't want Jake to know." "He already knows Colby, he heard us argue." "Shit. Ok, bring him. I need to talk to him anyways"

Cliff hanger😊 next part has a surprise for you! Also, you asked for a face reveal, so I'm going to reveal my face. It's the picture at the top 😅

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