She said... what?

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One day. One day til I propose to the love of my life.

I'm sitting next to Kat in my room just cuddling her and watching stranger things. She looks at me like she's studying a map. I look at her and she gives me a look.

"What?" "Are you hiding something from me?"
"What?! Of course not." "Mmhhm, you've been acting weird. What you up to Golbach?"
"Nothing." "Mk." "Actually... Do you want to go out tomorrow night?" "Sure. Where you wanna go?" "That's a surprise." "Knew it." I giggled and she did to. She laid her head on my shoulder.


One hour.
Jake and Colby are at the hill side claiming a table so nobody takes it.

I'm getting ready and waiting for Kat to arrive. After about 15 minutes, the doorbell rang.

I go to open the door and my jaw dropped. She was beautiful. Standing there in a Champaign colored dress and black heels.

 Standing there in a Champaign colored dress and black heels

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"Woah, you look amazing."
"You don't look so bad your self."
She smiled at me and I walked outside with her. I grabbed her hand and walked her to my car. Being the gentleman I am, I opened the car door and helped her in. She smiled at me and I saw her blushing. I went to my side and got in.

We finally arrived. "Babe, put this on." I handed her a blindfold and she looked at me dumbfounded. "Why?" "Please? You won't regret it." "Ok. Only because I love you." I giggled and helped her put it on. I got out and helped her out of the car. I lead her to the table and took off her blind fold. "Oh. My. God! Sammy!" "Do you like it?" "Are you kidding? I love it!" "I'm glad you do."

After about an hour of eating and talking, I took Kat understand the tree. But before I did that, I set my phone up and pressed record. I put the ring in my pocket. After we got under the tree, I started telling her how much I loved her and how much she meant to me. I kneeled down on on foot and grabbed the ring and popped the question. "Katrina Stuart, will you marry me?" She was crying, but she didn't answer. "Kat?" "Depends, do you want kids?" "Definitely." "Good. Because I'm pregnant." "What?! I'm going to be a dad?" "Yes! And also, to answer that question. 1 thousand times yes!"


"She said what?" The whole house yelled. It's been about 2 hours since Kat said yes and I found out that I'm a dad. I waited til the whole house was home to tell everybody.

"Is this a prank?" Corey asked, then got up trying to look for a camera. "No dude, it's not a prank. Swear." "Bro, your going to be a dad! Are you sure you can handle that?" "Yes, Jake I can handle it. If I can handle you, I can handle a real kid." "Hey!" Colby laughed and agreed. "He's got a point Jake." "Shut up Colby!" Everyone luaghed and went back to the topic. Devyn was overjoyed. "I'm so happy for you guys! I want a kid, but I think Im dating one." She giggled and Corey kissed her cheek. "A danm cute one." Of course Corey wouldn't get offended.

"So I'm assuming Kat said yes?" Aaron asked.
"Yes, she did." "Colby. You alright?" "Yeah. I'm just shocked that's all. Sam, your having a fucking kid! I'm going to be an uncle." I laughed at Colby just now realizing it. "I know dude. Isn't crazy? I remember like it was yesterday being in highschool and acting like children. Not thinking we were going to have one." We all looked back at old memories and talked about the future. I'm so lucky to have friends like them.

Jake's POV

Sam's getting married and is a dad! God, where has the time gone? I'm upstairs in my room just thinking about Colby and if we got married. I know it's to soon now, but he's the only person I see me marrying. Having kids with. And by having kids, I mean adoption.

While I was thinking, I didn't even notice Colby coming in. He sat next to me and layed his head on my shoulder. "Are you thinking too?" It amazed me how he knew me so well. "Yeah. Colbs, do you think we would ever get married? Like not now, but one day in the future?" "Jake, I don't see me marrying anyone else. I see you waiting for me to walk down the isle. I see us having our vows. I see us growing old together and adopting children together. I only see me and you. Nobody else." "Promise?" "I promise." We kissed and layed down. We turned on Netflix and called it a night and fell asleep. I'm so happy I have Colby.


♥️And that's a wrap! There will be two more parts and the story will end. Thank so much for the support on this story! Love you all so much! ♥️


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