everything is ok

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Sam's POV

After Colby called me, I yelled for Jake in a panicy voice. "Jake! Come down here, quick!" I heard Jake running down the stairs. "What? Is everything ok?" "No, Colby is on his way to the hospital be-" "WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" "Colby is ok, it's Brennen. He tried to commit suicide and Colby saw him at the right moment. He still has a pulse and is in an ambulance." "Oh my God. Shit." "He asked me to come, and your coming too." "What, why?!" "Because, your his boyfriend. You need to be there to comfort him. And he also needs to talk to you."

Jake just sighed and walked out the door and to my car. "Are you coming or what?" I just shook my head and followed behind.

Once we arrived at the hospital, we saw Colby walking in through the doors. We ran after him and yelled his name. He turned around with tears running down his face. Jake ran up to him and hugged him, then wiped away his tears. I was walking up to him when he saw me then hugged me. "Colbs, it's going to be ok." "But what if it's not? It's all my fault." Jake came over and I let go of the hug. Jake grabbed Colby's chin to make Colby look at him. "Colbs, it's not your fault, whatsoever. Brennen is just in a bad place. He's going to make it, he's a strong ass dude." "B-but what if he doesn't?" "Then me, Sam, and the rest of the house will be there for you. You were there for me in my darkest hour, so I'll be there for your's." Danm Jake, that was deep. "I will definitely be there for you. All of us will." Colby just nodded his head and grabbed Jake's hand. I placed my hand on his shoulder and we walked in together.

Colby's POV

I'm so fucking scared. I'm just happy to know that Jake and everyone else will be there for me.

Jake was still holding my hand and Sam went into the waiting area and saved us some seats.

Me and Jake walked up to the desk and asked the woman about Brennen. "Hi, how can I help you?" "Hi yes um, my friend Brennen Taylor came in about ten minutes ago. Do you think it's possible for me to see him?" "Hold on, let me check. Ah, yes Mr.Taylor. I'm sorry sir, but at the moment I'm afraid you can't see him. But if you wait here I'll let you know when you can." "Ok. Thank you."

Me and Jake walked to where Sam was and we sat down. I put my head on Jake's shoulder and he grabbed my hand. About 5 minutes pass, and Sam taps my shoulder. I lift my head to look at him and he points for us to go outside. "Hey Jake?" "Hm?" I'm going to talk to Sam for a minute. Is that ok?" "Yeah, that's fine."

Me and Sam walk outside the automatic doors and sat down at the curve. When I looked at Sam, I could tell the he was nervous about something. "Sam, you alright?" "Um, yeah." "Why did you call me out here?" "Because, I need help with something..." "And that something is?" "K-" "Colby." I turned around and Jake was waving me over. "I'm sorry Sam. Can we talk about this later?" "Yeah"

Me and Sam walked over to Jake. "Colbs, we're allowed to see Brennen." "Ok. Come on"

Once we got to Brennens room, we all sat down in the chairs and waited for the doctor. I decided to ask Sam what he was going to tell me earlier.

"Hey, Sammy? What is it that you wanted to tell me?" "Um, I need your help with choosing a ring for Kat. I'm going to propose." "What?! That's awesome Sam!" "Hell yeah dude!" Jake butted in. And Jake, you can help too. I need help with where and how I'm going to do it. So you down?" "Duh! I'll be glad to help." "Thanks."

After that, the doctor walked in to give us an update on Brennen. "Doctor, is he ok?" "Right now no. But he will be in time. Right now he's in a comma." "How long until he wakes up?" "Three days. A week at the most." "Ok. Um, one more thing. Can he hear us?" "I'm not sure. Usually they do, but not right away. But you can still try to talk to him. Visiting hours is from Monday to Friday from 12pm-12am." "Ok, thank you." "No problem."

What are we going to do with you Brennen? I wish I was there sooner. "This is my fault." I looked up at Sam who was staring down at Brennen. "What? Sam, how is this your fault?" "If I would have just let you leave, you would have been there to stop it." "Sam, we don't know that." "And you were just trying to protect Colby. You didn't know." "But if I wasn't so over protective, he wouldn't be here. Colby could have been there before he even attempted to do it." "Sam, don't tear yourself up. You had no idea that this was a problem until I told you."

I stood up and went over to Sam. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up out of the seat and into a hug. "It's ok, everything will be ok." Sam just nodded and held on to my jacket. "He's ok, and that's all that matters. Not who's fault it is." Sam sat back down and I sat next to Brennen. "Bren, if you can hear me, we'll get you through this."

This was hard to write. I almost cried at some parts. Also yes, the surprise that I mentioned last chapter was Sam planning to propose to Kat. 😄

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