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Jake's POV
Everyone was staring at me. It made me uncomfortable. Colby was standing next to me. He could probably tell how uncomfortable I was, because he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I looked up at him and he was looking at me, he then mouthed something. 'im going to tell them.' I didn't understand what he was talking about.

Colby then started to speak. "Um, guys I have something to tell you too." Everyone then looked at Colby and had a confused face. I then realized what he was about to do. Be for he said anything else I stopped him and pulled him into the kitchen.

"Colby! What are you doing?" I whispered yelled. "The same thing as you did. I'm coming out." He said calmly. Ik that Sam already knows about his sexuality, but it feels like he is doing this for me not to look pathetic. "You know you don't have to tell them just because I did. You should tell them when you are ready." "I am ready, and I want to. The only person who I knows is Sam, and I think the rest of them should know too." I just simply nodded my head and we both made our way back to the living room.

"Ok like I was saying, I have something to tell you all." I saw Colby take a deep breath and looked up at everyone. I then saw Sam nod to ease Colby, assuming he knew what colby was going to say. "I-im gay too." Everyone just looked in between us.

"Are you two, dating?" Corey asked pointing his finger at us.
"Nooo!" Me and Colby said at the same time. I wish we were. I was a little upset but happy at the same time. My best friend/crush is gay. And now I have a better chance.

Colby's POV
"Are you two dating?" Corey asked pointing at us. Honestly I wish we were. "Nooo!" Me and Jake replied at the same time. I looked over and saw a disappointed look on Jake's face. Why would he be disappointed? I guess it's nothing. "I'm proud of you two!" Sam said, coming to give me and Jake a hug. "Yeah so am I!" Devyn agreed. Everyone else nodded in agreement. After that we were all just sitting on the couch talking about nothing but everything at the same time. But I noticed Jake was a little off.

"Hey Jake?" Corey asked. "Yeah?" "Did you tell your parents, about you know, being gay?" I quickly looked over already knowing the answer. I saw his face drop, he then ran out of the living room and upstairs. Everyone just looked at me worriedly because I stood up to follow. "Colby, did I do something?" Corey asked. "No dude, it's not your fault." He just nodded, but looked a little hurt.

I ran after Jake and nocked on his door. It was unlocked so I opened it after hearing no answer. When I walked in, he wasn't there. I then started to get worried and walked to the bathroom. But he wasn't there either. I then noticed the roof door was open. I climbed up the ladder and heard faint cries. I looked to see Jake standing at the edge of the roof. My heart started pounding. "Jake noo!"

Left ya on a little cliff hanger there. I hope your enjoying the story. Comment down below what you think is going to happen next. Who knows, you might be wrong or right. But you won't find out til the next chapter.
Duce's ✌️✌️❤️

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