The Week Off

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"Pip... wake up sweetie..."

Pip slowly opened his eyes. His mom was gently shaking him awake. "Oh... morning, Mom."

His mom walked to the window and pulled the curtains aside to let more light inside his bedroom. "Your alarm clock went off a long time ago."

Pip sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. "It did? I didn't hear anything."

"You must be a deep sleeper then," his mom chuckled as she went out the door. "Oh, I made your favourite ice cube soup for breakfast~" she singsonged.

Pip's stomach growled. He loved ice cube soup. He leapt out of bed and dashed for the kitchen.


"Morning, Dad!" Pip said as he took a seat at the kitchen table. He could practically smell the ice cube soup his mom made on the kitchen counter.

"Morning, kiddo," his dad said. He took a sip of his morning coffee. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah." Pip nodded. His mom set a bowl of soup in front of him and he immediately started eating it up. "Mmm... this is so good, Mom!"

"Glad to know my little snowball likes my cooking," his mom smiled. Soon enough he finished eating the soup. He let out a small burp. "Oops, sorry..."

His parents laughed. "Well I gotta go to work now," his dad said, standing up. He gave his wife a kiss and flipper fived Pip. "Be good to your mother for me, okay Pip?"

"Don't worry Dad, I will." Pip gave his dad a big hug.

"See you when you get home honey!" his mom called.

Pip put his bowl in the sink. "Mom, is it okay if I video chat with Freddy after I shower?"

His mom nodded. "Of course you can."


"So how are things going with you?" asked Pip. He was sprawled on his bed.

"Really great. I'm having so much fun with my parents," Freddy replied. He was sitting on the picnic table outside his house. "What about you?"

"Really great too. I'm always looking forward to our week off," Pip said.

Every month Captain Beakman would allow the Fliers to take the week off to spend time with family. This week, it was Pip and Freddy along with several other storks' turn for their week-long break. "T.O.T.S is all about family and I want you all to spend quality time with your families," the purple-haired pelican would say.

"Yeah, same here," Freddy nodded. "We get to catch up with our families and not get homesick so easily."

"Pip! Get ready. You said you were going to help me run errands," Pip heard his mom say.

"Oh I gotta go Freddy," said Pip. "I promised my mom that I'd go grocery shopping with her."

"Okay see you later," said Freddy. "I have to help my parents with some stuff too."

Pip turned off his FlyPad and headed out the door.


"Thanks for helping me out today, sweetie," said Pip's mom as she kissed him on the cheek.

Pip winked. "No prob, Mom. You can ask me for help anytime."

Suddenly a delicious smell wafted in the air. It was coming from a restaurant not far from where they were standing.

Pip's stomach let out a loud growl. It was already time for lunch and all that grocery shopping made him really hungry.

"You wanna eat lunch over there?" His mom pointed towards the restaurant. Pip nodded eagerly in response.


"Well someone has an appetite," Pip's mom joked as she watched him wolf down his food.

Pip giggled and rubbed his tummy. "I'm just hungry after all that shopping. Besides I always have a big appetite whenever I get to spend the week with you and Dad."

"Aww that's sweet," his mom replied. "Me and your father love it when you come home to spend time with us."

"Hey, when Dad gets home can we have a game night?" Pip suggested excitedly.

His mom nodded and smiled. "Yes that would be lovely!"


"Woohoo I won!" Pip cheered as he moved his pawn to 100 (he and his family were playing snakes and ladders).

"Not bad son, but you won't be so lucky next time," his dad said with a mischievous grin.

"Oh look at the time..." his mom said, pointing at the clock. It was 11pm and they had been playing games for hours. Pip let out a big yawn.

"Our little snowball's getting sleepy." His dad chuckled softly.


"Today's been fun, Mom and Dad," Pip said as his parents tucked him in for bed.

"Yes it has sweetie." His mom gave him a loving kiss.

"Sleep tight, kiddo," his dad said, gently ruffling his feathers.

"Good night Mom and Dad," said Pip before closing his eyes.

Soon he was fast asleep.



Well. Not exactly my best fanfic, but I hope you guys love it. There's more to come; trust me. :)

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