Friends Are Forever (... right?) Part 1

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Pip and Freddy were in their bedroom looking through some of their best friend selfies.

"We make such great friends Freddy," said Pip as he swiped the FlyPad screen.

"Yup we sure do." Freddy nodded. He pointed to the photo on the screen. "That's the time we went to that new water park.

Pip giggled. "Boy did we have fun." He swiped the screen again. "And that's the time we went to that new video game shop that opened at the mall."

It was Freddy's turn to laugh. "We practically bought every single video game there!"

Pip swiped to see the next photo, but this photo made him confused. "Freddy, what's this?" he asked as he pointed to the photo of Freddy eating at a restaurant. "Isn't that the new restaurant that just opened a week back that we promised to go together?"

"Oh... I... uh..." Freddy didn't know what else to say. He took the FlyPad from Pip's flippers and hid it behind his back. "It's not what you think...?"

"When did you go there Freddy?" asked Pip.

"That day when you were sick," replied Freddy as he looked down at his feet.

"How could you? We promised we'd go together!" Pip was getting angry now.

"You can't expect me to wait for you every single time we wanna do something or go somewhere!" Freddy spread out his wings in protest, clearly mad as well.

"But friends do everything together!" cried Pip.

"What about that time Belly Billy came over? You left me out of everything!" snapped Freddy.

"That was different!" protested Pip. "Besides you never even TOLD me you were feeling left out till you went to make that delivery on your own."

"Yeah but you still left me out!" Freddy crossed his wings.

"I can't believe you never even told me you went to that new restaurant by yourself!" yelled Pip. "I can't even believe I'm still best friends with you!"

This time it was Freddy's turn to yell. "I can't believe we even BECAME best friends!"

Pip's eyes suddenly teared up. At that point Freddy realised he said what he shouldn't have said. "Look, Pip, I..."

Some storks had already gathered outside their bedroom to watch the argument.

Pip had had enough of this. He immediately got out a suitcase from his closet and stuffed his clothes, his FlyPad and some of his personal junk inside.

"Where do you think you're going?" asked Freddy.

Pip stormed out of the room with his suitcase. "I can't stand being in the same room with you!"

"Oh yeah? I can't stand being in the same room with you either!" Freddy shot back.

The storks were silent as they watched Pip lug the suitcase away with him and Freddy flop onto his bed. They knew better than to talk to the Junior Fliers when they were angry over something.


Pip dragged his suitcase into one of the guest rooms (sometimes the Fliers had friends or family come over so Captain Beakman prepared some spare rooms for them).

He opened his suitcase and kept his clothes inside the closet. He put his stuffed snowball and FlyPad on the bed. He stacked his favourite books on the bedside table.

And then he spotted a framed photo of him and Freddy riding a sled down the mountain in Iceberg Alley. His face softened for a moment. "Was I really that hard on Freddy?" he thought.

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