Feathered Friends Forever

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The boys were 2 years old.

Pip was over at Freddy's house for a playdate. Ever since they were born, Pip and Freddy were close friends. Even though their homes weren't close by, they would always try to be together. Their parents would arrange playdates whenever possible.

It had been like that from the start.

Pip and Freddy were playing outside, which just happened to be the beach. They were busy making sandcastles. Their parents were seated on a picnic blanket nearby.

"It's so sweet watching our little ones play together," said Freddy's mom as she poured Flamingo Flakes in one bowl and Penguin Pops in another.

"It sure is," said Pip's dad. "They treat each other like brothers."

"Pip, Freddy, snack time!" called Freddy's dad. "You guys can play more after you eat."

Pip and Freddy's eyes lit up at the mention of food. They quickly ran over to enjoy the picnic with their parents.


The boys were 4 years old.

"It's mine!" cried Pip.

"Nuh-uh! Mine!" Freddy shot back.

Who would've believed it - Pip and Freddy's first fight. They both wanted to play with a colourful bouncy ball, but they didn't want to share.

Pip's mom tried to calm them down. "Now boys, there's no reason to fight." She took the ball from them.

"But I want ball!" Pip and Freddy protested at the same time. "No, me!"

Pip's mom folded her flippers. "Alright, if you two can't get along, I'll call Freddy's parents to pick him up," she said firmly. "Do you boys want that?"

The two little birds shook their heads and started making whiney noises.

"Wanna play! Wanna play!" they said in unison.

"You two can play with the ball at the same together," Pip's mom said gently. She gave the ball to Pip. "Pip, roll the ball to Freddy."

Pip hesitated, but he rolled the ball anyway. Freddy caught it with ease.

"Now Freddy, roll the ball back to Pip."

Freddy rolled the ball towards Pip. The birds let out a giggle.

"I'm sowwy, Fweddy," said Pip.

"I'm sowwy too," replied Freddy.

"Fwiends?" asked Pip. Freddy nodded.

"Now you think you good boys can play with the ball together without fighting over it?" asked Pip's mom, smiling.

"Yes!" Pip and Freddy said in unison.

The boys spent the rest of the afternoon playing with the ball happily together.


The boys were 6 years old.

It was lunchtime. All the kids dashed to the cafeteria to enjoy their meals.

Freddy sat alone in the corner, rubbing his growling stomach. He left his lunch at home by accident but his parents were out working. The chocolate-chip cookies he ate for recess weren't going to help him last till school was over.

"I'm so hungry..." he groaned. Looking at all the other kids enjoying their food just made him hungrier. He wished for something to eat.

Pip, who just entered the cafeteria, spotted Freddy and walked up to him. "What's wrong?"

"I left my lunch at home," said Freddy. "And now I have nothing to eat." His tummy growled again.

Pip opened his lunchbox and handed him an apple. "Good thing my mom packed an extra apple. We can share my lunch if you want."

"Really, Pip?" asked Freddy as the penguin sat beside him. "You'd do that for me?"

"Of course, Freddy!" That's what friends do for each other," Pip smiled.

Freddy took a bite of the apple. It tasted good. "Thanks. You're the bestest friend ever."

The boys spent the rest of lunchtime eating together.


The boys were 8 years old.

Pip was on the ground, crying. He'd fallen off the monkey bars and sprained his ankle. It hurt so bad, he couldn't stand up on his own.

Luckily, Freddy just walked out of the cafeteria and saw his best friend. He ran over to his side straight away. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Pip wiped the tears from his eyes. "I fell and hurt my ankle. It's hurting so bad."

Freddy helped him up. "Don't worry, I'll take you to the school nurse."

Pip gave the flamingo a thankful smile. "You're the best."

"Hey, friends help each other." Freddy smiled back. "You said so yourself, right?"


The boys were 10 years old.

The big day had finally come - Pip and Freddy were leaving for T.O.T.S. They had already said goodbye to their parents and were standing in front of the T.O.T.S HQ itself.

"Oh I'm so nervous!" said Freddy. He felt a lot of butterflies flapping like crazy inside his stomach.

"I'm nervous too," replied Pip. "But as long as we got each other, we can do anything! It's been that way since we were little, remember?" He gently patted his friend on the shoulder.

"Yeah, you're right!" Freddy looked confident. "It's always me and you."

They walked into the building together, both their spirits lifted.



Ever since I watched the episode Baby Fliers, I wondered how Pip and Freddy remained so close and thought of really cute friendship moments even before they got to work at T.O.T.S. I hope you guys enjoyed this. :)

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