Braving The Forest

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"Have we reached the campsite yet?" asked Freddy. "My wings are starting to feel a little sore from all this flying."

Pip, who was sitting on his friend's back, laughed. "We're almost there, buddy. Hang in there."

Freddy groaned. "Okay..."

K.C was flying in her It Can Fly helicopter pack beside them. She pointed to a clearing on the ground nearby. "We're here!" she announced.

"Finally!" said Freddy as he let out a sigh of relief. "I'm so tired." He glided down to the ground, with Pip holding on to him tightly. K.C trailed behind.

As soon as they landed, they set their backpacks on the ground and breathed in the fresh open air. "There's nothing like sleeping in the great outdoors, with the beautiful stars in the sky," said K.C as she walked around in a small circle, taking in the view of the forest.

"I can't wait for the campfire songs and ghost stories," added Pip. "They're my favourite parts about camping."

"Well I can't wait to eat the smores!" Freddy jumped in.  "Just imagine how yummilicious it would taste if I add cheese." He hungrily rubbed his stomach, making Pip playfully roll his eyes and K.C giggle.

"Alright now." K.C rubbed her paws together. "Let's get our sleeping bags ready and collect firewood to make the campfire."

Pip and Freddy saluted and responded in unison, "Ma'am yes ma'am!" before laughing.

K.C laughed as well before adding, "C'mon, guys, let's get started!"

The trio got out their sleeping bags - Pip's had snowflake designs, K.C's had rainbow designs while Freddy's had cheese hole designs. The Junior Fliers also got out their loveys. Freddy got out his lava lamp night light too - it made sleeping outside in the dark a whole lot less scary.

"Remember fellas," K.C reminded the two birds. "Don't wander too far from camp when looking for firewood. I don't want anyone getting lost."

Pip nodded. "You got it, K.C."

The three friends split up and headed off in separate directions in search of firewood.

"Okay, I think this should be enough sticks for my part," said K.C as she carried a bundle of firewood back to camp.

"I think we can use this pile for tomorrow night," said Pip as he picked up some sticks one by one.

It didn't take long for Pip and K.C to finish collecting their share of firewood and head back to their campsite. Luckily, they didn't walk too far off so heading back was easy. The two carefully set their bundles of sticks on the ground.

K.C looked around, confused. "Hey, where's Freddy? He should be back by now."

Pip shrugged. "I think he's still looking for firewood. What do we do?"

"Let's just wait here for him," K.C decided. "Hopefully he'll be back before dark."

Pip sighed. "I sure hope so too."


"Come back here, little butterfly!" laughed Freddy as he playfully chased a colourful butterfly deep into the forest. After a while, the butterfly flew off into one of the trees. "Oh well, it was fun while it lasted," Freddy shrugged.

He looked around. "Where am I? Where's camp?" He started to panic. "Oh no! I wandered too far off! Why oh why didn't I listen to K.C?"

He took a deep breath. "Okay, calm down. K.C's already told us what to do if we get lost." He tried to recall what she said. "So, first... look around for anything that you recognise."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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