Triple Delivery

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Ava walked into the office. "You wanted to see me, Captain Beakman?

Captain Beakman looked up from her work. "Oh yes, you will have to do Pip and Freddy's deliveries today."

"Why? Did something happen to them?" Ava just hated it when her two Junior Flier friends got hurt or anything else that awful.

"They caught the bird flu," Captain Beakman sighed. She clearly looked very worried. "But hopefully, they should be back on their feet tomorrow."

Ava heaved a sigh of relief. "Well I better head to the runway and get those deliveries done."

"That's the spirit!" Captain Beakman smiled as she watched Ava speed out of the office.


As Ava walked to the runway, she thought she'd go check on Pip and Freddy in their room.

"Uuuggghhh..." the Junior Fliers groaned.

They were in their pajamas in bed, clutching tissue boxes. Pieces of crumpled tissue lay about on the floor. They were also wearing ice packs on their heads.

"Whoa Junior dudes, you ain't looking too good..." Ava said as she walked in.

"Don't worry it's not really bad," said Pip as he blew his nose into a tissue.

"But who's gonna do our deliveries?" asked Freddy. He rubbed his eyes.

"Captain Beakman told me to do it," replied Ava. "So you two rest up and get well soon."

"Thanks, Ava!" Pip and Freddy said in unison.


"I have to do three deliveries?" Ava was surprised to see a baby frog, tortoise and kitten on her conveyor belt at the runway. She checked her FlyPad. "At least the three of them all live in the Faraway Forest. How hard could this delivery possibly be?"

Ava loaded the three baby crates on her back and flew to the Faraway Forest. The sooner she left, the sooner she'd be done and the sooner she can get back to T.O.T.S for a post-flight smoothie and to check on Pip and Freddy.

Thanks to her super fast flying, she reached the Faraway Forest quicker than expected. All that's left to do is deliver each baby to their respective forever families and her job would be done.

She checked her FlyPad to plan out which baby she should deliver first. Fauna the frog's home seemed closest, so she decided to take Fauna home first. Then, Taron the tortoise. And last but not least, Klara the kitten. She would have to get these deliveries done before sundown.

"Alright Fauna, time to meet your parents!" Ava said to the baby frog. Fauna giggled in excitement.


Ava snapped a photo of Fauna getting a big hug from her parents. She checked the bottle timer. She still had so much time left. "Okay, one delivery down, two more to go." She picked up Taron. "Ready to go to your forever home?" Taron squealed and nodded in response.

She gave Taron and Klara their milk bottles. It was feeding time and she only wanted to deliver happy babies to their parents.

After the babies were done with their bottles, Ava sped off to Taron's home. It took her all of several minutes to get there. She gave Taron to his parents and snapped a photo of the happy family.


Ava checked her FlyPad. Not much time left; but if she hurried, she could make it.

"Wanna play... with flowers." Klara leaned against the see-through part of the crate and started squirming.

"No Klara," Ava said patiently. "I need to get you home before the sun goes down."

"Aww..." Klara curled up into a little ball and made sad baby eyes, hoping Ava would reconsider.

Ava thought for a while. She was running out of time, but the little kitten wanted to play in the flowers. If only Klara could play in the flowers and stay in the crate at the same time.

Wait a minute... an idea started taking shape in Ava's mind. She hoped it would work.

She plucked out several flowers and put them in Klara's crate. Luckily, Klara stopped fussing and she rolled about in the flowers. Problem. Solved.

After delivering Klara to her forever family, Ava flew straight back to T.O.T.S. She hoped Pip and Freddy were feeling better.


When Ava got back, she found K.C, JP and Bodhi talking outside the nursery. She walked right up to them. "Hey guys! How are Pip and Freddy doing?"

"Well they're healing up thankfully," replied K.C. "They'll be back to delivering babies tomorrow."

"Oh I miss Pip and Freddy so much!" Bodhi said sadly. "T.O.T.S just doesn't feel the same without them."

JP nodded. "Yes, it's much quieter now." He had to admit that though Pip and Freddy annoyed him a little bit, the Super Duper Flier was very fond of them.

"I'm gonna go check on them," said Ava.

"Okay but please be quiet," said K.C. "They fell asleep early."

When Ava peeked inside Pip and Freddy's room, it was still messy with all the tissues on the floor. Pip and Freddy were sleeping peacefully in their beds. Freddy was cuddling his toy coconut and Pip was sleeping with his stuffed snowball. Ava could hear them snoring.

"Get well soon, Junior dudes," she whispered. "Sleep tight."


The next morning, Pip and Freddy woke up feeling much better than the day before. They headed straight to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Ava, who was enjoying a plate of wing waffles, saw them walking towards her and she gave them a big smile. "I see your flu is gone."

They nodded. "Thanks for doing our deliveries yesterday," said Freddy.

"Yeah, we feel better now thanks to you," added Pip.

"Bring it in, Junior dudes!" Ava said as she wrapped them in a big, warm feathery hug.



This took me a while to get down since I was lacking ideas, but I hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry if the plot was a little dry.

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