The Lake House

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"Thanks for letting me come with you on your family trip to the lake house, Fredamingo," said Pip.

"Of course Pipster! Me and my parents love it when you go on vacation with us," Freddy said with a big smile.

Pip was joining Freddy and his family on vacation. Normally he would be spending the week but his parents, but they were very busy with work lately. His mom had to work double shifts at the hospital while his dad had to go on a business trip.

Luckily, Freddy's family let Pip come with them. After all, Pip was like a big brother to Freddy.

"Okay boys we're here!" said Freddy's dad as he pulled the car up into the driveway, giving the penguin and flamingo a perfect view of the lake house and its surroundings.

"Wow it's so beautiful!" Pip leaned against the window, amazed at the view.

"I know! That's why my parents always come here for their wedding anniversary," Freddy whispered, earning a giggle from Pip.

After parking their car, everyone got out their luggage and walked into the house. It looked like your average homestay - living room with TV, kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms.

"Where are we gonna sleep?" asked Freddy. Both he and Pip had backpacks slung across their shoulders.

Freddy's mom opened the bedroom door next to the kitchen. "There's a bunk bed so you guys are gonna have to decide who sleeps where."

"You can have the top bunk Freddy," said Pip. "I like sleeping on the bottom."

"Thanks Pip." Freddy gave his best friend a big hug.

They put their backpacks in one corner of the room and walked out to the living room. Freddy's parents had already kept the rest of the bags in their room.

A clock on the wall read 12.30pm. Lunchtime. Pip and Freddy's stomachs growled loudly. They were famished from the long ride.

"Sounds like two certain birds I know need something to eat," smiled Freddy's mom. "Tell you guys what - me and your father will go buy some food while you guys stay here. Is that okay?" Pip and Freddy nodded.

The boys sat on the couch.

"So what do you wanna do while we wait for my parents to come back?" asked Freddy.

"Let's go check out the lake," suggested Pip. "I heard the view there is beautiful."

"Flam-azing idea!" Freddy stood up and stretched. Together they walked out the patio doors.


"Whoa just look at this place!"

Just one look at the beautiful scenery made Pip and Freddy instantly forget they were starving. The lake was sparkling in the sunshine and the trees surrounding it completed the "perfect vacation spot" look.

Freddy pointed to something at the side of the dock. "Is that a sailboat?"

Pip looked to where Freddy was pointing. "Snow cool! Maybe your parents can take us sailing later."

At that moment they heard Freddy's parents enter the lake house. They were holding some Chinese takeout or something. "We're back with the food~" Freddy's mom singsonged.

"Oh good I'm starving!" said Freddy as he and Pip walked back in the house.

"So what do you boys wanna do after lunch?" asked Freddy's dad.

"We saw a boat on the dock," replied Pip. "Maybe we could go sailing."

Freddy's parents looked at Pip and Freddy, then each other, then Pip and Freddy again and smiled. "Of course," said Freddy's mom.

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