Left Out

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Junior Fliers Pip and Freddy were sitting on the grass near the runway, enjoying some smoothies.

"You're gonna love my cousin Poppy," said Pip to his best feathered friend. "She's ice-mazing!"

"What's she like?" asked Freddy before taking another sip of his smoothie.

"Oh, she's super adventurous and funny," Pip replied. "She always knows the best ways to have fun!"

"Just listening to you talk about her makes me want to meet her even more," said Freddy eagerly. "When's she gonna get here?"

Pip checked the FlyPad. "Mr Woodbird should be dropping her off here any minute now."

Freddy pointed at a yellow dot not far off in the sky. It was getting bigger and closer. It was the Fly Bus. "Look they're here!"

The Fly Bus landed in the middle of the runway. Mr Woodbird climbed out with a girl penguin the same age as Pip and Freddy. She was sporting blue glasses, an aquamarine blouse and a white bow on her head. She also had a teal backpack slung across her shoulder. Her eyes lit up when she saw Pip. "Hey cuz! Good to see ya."

Pip smiled and wrapped his cousin in a hug. "Great to see you too, Popsicle!" He gestured towards Freddy, who was waving a little awkwardly. "This is my best friend and delivery partner Freddy. Freddy, this is my cousin Poppy."

Freddy shook wings with her and gave a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you, Poppy."

"You too," Poppy smiled back. "Oh I can't wait to spend the night here with my cousin and his best feathered friend!"

"We can't wait to spend time with you too!" Pip grinned at his cousin.

Poppy rubbed her flippers together. "So what should we do first?"

"How about a snack at the cafeteria?" suggested Freddy as he gestured to T.O.T.S HQ. "Usually at this time of day Pip and I would be hanging out there eating some food."

"Sure, I'd love that." Poppy nodded.

The three birds made their way to the cafeteria. As usual, it was filled with delicious smells and other Fliers enjoying their meals.

"What do you wanna eat, Poppy?" asked Pip.

"I think I'm craving for some cheese," she replied as she eyed a whole fridge of them nearby.

Freddy looked surprised, in a good way. "Wait, really? You love eating cheese?"

Poppy put her flippers on her hips. "Of course! They taste so good."

Freddy put a wing around her shoulder. "I love cheese too! Y'know, I think we're gonna be great friends."

Poppy smiled up at him. "Y'know, I think you might be right."

Behind the two birds, Pip couldn't help but feel the smallest twinge of jealousy. He didn't really like cheese, so he always said no whenever Freddy wanted to share cheese with him. But when his best friend finally found someone who shared something in common with him, only right that moment he wished he had just said yes whenever Freddy offered him some cheese.

He shook his head. It was a silly thought. "So what if she and Freddy both like cheese? I'm still his best feathered friend. And nothing's gonna change that."

Freddy turned to look at him. "Did you say something, Pip?

"Oh, nothing, Freddy!" he replied. "I was just... uh... talking to myself. Can't decide what to eat for snack time."

Freddy and Poppy exchanged confused looks. "Um, okay. If you say so," said Poppy.

"You're acting a little weird, Pip," Freddy pointed out, frowning slightly. "Are you sure nothing's up?"

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