Pond Party

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It was a very hot day at T.O.T.S. Pip and Freddy were in their room, trying to cool off.

Pip wasn't wearing his uniform. Instead he wore a  blue tank top with a picture of a snowflake. He lay down on his bed, staring at the ceiling. "Heatwaves... are the... worst!" he panted. "Why did... the AC... have to break?"

Freddy sat on the floor. He was dressed in his uniform, unlike Pip who only put on a part of his uniform - his cap. "You're telling me," he said. Freddy, like other flamingos, loves hot and sunny days, but sometimes it gets too hot for even hot weather birds to enjoy. "What do we do?"

Pip thought for a moment, then leapt out of bed and opened his closet. "Change into your swimsuit and get your pool toys ready. This penguin's got a plan!"

"Ooh what's on your mind?" asked Freddy, excited. He jumped up and down eagerly.

"You'll see." Pip gave his friend a sly wink.


As soon as they got to the pond, Freddy finally understood Pip's idea. "We're gonna have a pool party?" the excited flamingo asked. He was still wearing his T.O.T.S cap, only he also wore pink sunglasses and changed into his yellow swimming shorts.

"Yup!" Pip nodded. He was dressed in the same way as his friend but his swimming shorts and sunglasses were both blue. "Though technically we're at a pond, so it's a pond party."

The two birds immediately started setting everything up. They put the pool toys beside the pond and hung up a colourful bunting on a nearby tree. They also prepared a radio and some speakers for music.

"I got the picnic!" said Freddy as he laid out a picnic blanket and set up and umbrella. He also got out a picnic basket filled with their favourite snacks - ice cream, cheese along with some muffins and sandwiches.

The food was fresh from the cafeteria so Pip could smell the snacks even though they were in the basket. "Yum I can't wait to eat all these!" he said, his beak watering.

"Let's go ask the others if they wanna join us," suggested Freddy.

"Okay!" Pip nodded. "I bet they'd love to cool off."


Pip and Freddy walked into the nursery, where they spotted K.C leaning against the wall. She was holding a small electric fan to keep cool.

"Oh hiya, fellas!" she chirped. "Why are you two wearing swimsuits?"

"We're having a pond party to cool off," replied Pip. "Wanna join?"

K.C sighed with relief. "I'd love that! Can the babies come too? They're getting a little cranky with this heat." She gestured towards the babies whining and fussing.

Freddy nodded eagerly. "Sure! Our pond party is for everyone."

"Did someone say pond party?" asked JP as he walked in. Ava Bodhi and Mr Woodbird were trailing behind him. "Can we join in zhe fun too?"

"Of course!" said Pip and Freddy in unison.


The pond party was in full swing. Mr Woodbird fired up the grill while K.C, Ava, Bodhi and JP splashed in the pond. Mia, Lucky and the rest of the babies played beside the pond with the pool toys.

Pip and Freddy sat on the picnic blanket, munching on their snacks. Their favourite song blasted from the speakers.

"Everyone's having so much fun," said Freddy before taking another bite of his sandwich.

"Yeah," Pip agreed. "All we need now is Captain Beakman. She'd love this!"

At that moment, they saw Captain Beakman approach the party. "What's going on here?" she asked.

As if on cue, the music stopped. Everyone turned to look at her.

Pip and Freddy looked at each other nervously for a moment, then Freddy spoke up. "We're having a pond party. Wanna cool off with us?"

Captain Beakman was silent for dramatic effect. She looked at all of them before saying, "I'd love to!"

Everyone cheered. The music started playing again.

"Bestest pond party ever!" said Freddy.

"It sure is, Freddy," Pip said back. "It sure is."



This is probably my shortest fanfic so far LOL. Anyway I hope you enjoyed reading this.

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