Friends Are Forever (... right?) Part 2

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After making their delivery, Pip and Freddy took to the skies again. They didn't say a single word to each other at all. Suddenly, it started to rain.

"Do I hear thunder?" asked Freddy. He tried his best to hide the quiver in his voice.

Pip was looking at the FlyPad. He didn't want to talk to Freddy, but he could tell the flamingo was a little scared. "It's probably just coming from you. It's almost time for dinner, anyway."

The rain started to pour harder. The thunder got louder and it started to get very windy.

"I'm gonna have to land somewhere," said Freddy. "I can't fly in this storm."

Pip put the FlyPad in his backpack and scanned the ground below them. He pointed to a cave not far off in the distance. "We could take cover there."

Freddy landed and the two Junior Fliers dashed into the cave. Freddy sat on the ground and leaned against the cave wall. Pip sat a few feet away from him. They glared at each other.

"Great. Just great," complained Pip. "I'm stuck in a cave. With you."

"Yeah," replied Freddy, deadpanned. "How lovely."

They crossed their wings and turned to look opposite directions.


Meanwhile, at T.O.T.S, K.C was in the hangar waiting for Pip and Freddy to come back. "Where are those two? It's almost time for dinner!"

Bodhi was clearly having an anxiety attack. He walked around in circles knitting a scarf. He kept telling himself "It's gonna be okay, they're gonna be okay" over and over again.

"I hope they're gonna be alright," said Ava. "They're all alone, cold, with no food..."

"But zhey have each other," JP pointed out. "Zhey're not really alone."

"You're probably right, but they might not have made up yet." Ava started pacing the hangar. "We should go look for them."

"Mia help! Mia help!" Mia jumped up and down while Lucky barked in agreement.

Captain Beakman picked the two babies up. "Let's just wait," she said as calmly as she could. "They might be back by tomorrow at the very latest. But if they still haven't showed up, we'll go look for them."

K.C got out her FlyPad and looked at a photo of her with Pip and Freddy. "Oh fellas, I hope you're okay."

JP put a comforting wing on her shoulder. "Do not worry, I know zhey'll be fine."

K.C smiled up at him. "Yeah. They'll be fine. Everything's gonna be fine."


Back in the cave, Pip and Freddy were silent. The only sounds were the rain pouring down and the thunder booming.

After what felt like forever, Freddy spoke up. "When's this rain gonna end?"

Pip felt like he had to reply. "From the looks of it, I'm guessing we're gonna be stuck here tonight."

"Wonderful," Freddy said sarcastically. He shivered. "I wish it wasn't so cold."

Pip looked over to see Freddy hugging himself to keep warm. Deep down, he was really worried about Freddy.

He looked inside his backpack and got out a warm blanket he kept in case of emergencies. Emergencies like this one. He put it over the flamingo's body.

"Here, this should keep you warm." The penguin turned to look the other way, trying to hide that he cared about Freddy. "Not because I'm worried about you or anything, I just thought you'd need this."

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